Mohammed Brilliant




A tariff is a

A) subsidy to workers harmed by U.S.trade with foreign countries.
B) limit on the quantities of a good that can be imported each year.
C) tax on exports that tends to make them cheaper for foreigners to buy.
D) tax on imports that raises their prices and makes them less attractive to domestic consumers.
E) price floor placed on imported goods.

On May 12, 2024



Which of the following is not a question you need to ask when you suspect that workplace bullying has occurred?

A) Has your boss given you a raise within the last year?
B) Is your boss asking obviously impossible things from you without training and stating that, once completed, the work is never good enough?
C) Are surprise meetings called without your knowledge?
D) Have others at work told you to stop working, talking, or socializing with them?
E) Are you never left alone to do your job without interference?

On May 12, 2024



If the demand for cigarettes is more ________ for underage smokers as compared to that of adult smokers, then compared to adults, a tax on cigarettes would have ________ impact on the demand for cigarettes for teenagers.

A) elastic; more
B) elastic; less
C) inelastic; more
D) inelastic; an equal

On May 11, 2024