


Goods and services produced by the government are sold at prices that are set to recover production costs.

On Jul 31, 2024



Discuss the job characteristics that motivate employees.

On Jul 28, 2024

The job characteristics model proposes that three psychological states-(1) meaningfulness of work, (2) responsibility for work outcomes, and (3) knowledge of results-result in improved performance and motivation of workers. The five characteristics that produce these states are:
• Skill Variety: The degree to which a job entails a variety of activities and the use of different skills or talents by the jobholder.
• Task Identity: The degree to which the job requires the completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work.
• Task Significance: The degree to which the job has an impact on the lives or work of other people.
• Autonomy: The degree to which the job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the jobholder in scheduling and completing the work.


Which term is used when a leader automatically ascribes inadequate performance to a lack of subordinate motivation or competence?

A) attribution bias
B) relational attribution
C) ingratiation
D) exemplification

On Jul 01, 2024



A bottleneck begins when demand for the company's product exceeds the ability to produce the product.

On Jun 28, 2024




A) is the basis for the "after this,therefore because of this" fallacy.
B) is not concerned with details,but only with the overall big picture of the economy.
C) is concerned with individual economic units and specific markets.
D) describes the aggregate flows of output and income.

On Jun 01, 2024



Finola, a certified public accountant, provides accounting services to Global Trade Corporation. The services include preparing Global Trade's financial reports and issuing opinion letters based on the reports. In 2014, Global Trade falls into serious financial trouble, but neither Finola's reports nor her opinion letters indicate this situation. Relying on Finola's portrayal of Global Trade's financial situation, the firm borrows a large sum of money to build a new shipping facility. In lending Global Trade the money, Harbor City Bank relies on Finola's opinion letter. Finola is aware of this reliance. If Finola did not engage in intentional fraud but was negligent, what is her potential liability?

On May 28, 2024

Regarding the accountant's potential liability to the bank, most courts would hold her liable for negligence, but the standard for imposing this liability varies.
There are three different views. The traditional rule (the Ultramares rule)states that accountants owe a duty of care only to those persons for whose primary benefit the accountant prepares reports or issues opinion letters. In the absence of privity, a party could not recover from an accountant. Under that rule, the accountant in this problem would not be held liable to the bank.
Under a slight modification of this rule, some courts hold that if a third party has a sufficiently close relationship or nexus (link or connection)with an accountant, then the privity requirement may be satisfied without establishing an accountant-client relationship. Under this modification, the accountant would be held liable because he knew that the bank relied on her letter.
The majority of courts have adopted the position taken by the Restatement (Third)of Torts, under which an accountant's liability extends to foreseen or known users-persons for whose benefit the accountant intends to supply the information or knows that the recipient intends to supply it and to those persons whom the accountant intends the information to influence or knows that the recipient so intends. Under this rule, the accountant will be held liable to the bank for negligent misstatements or omissions, because he knew that the bank was relying on her work product when deciding whether to make the loan.
A few other courts hold accountants liable to any users whose reliance on an accountant's statements or reports is reasonably foreseeable. Of course, under this standard the accountant in the hypothetical would clearly be held liable.


According to the textbook, which of the following statements is NOT correct when looking at the meaning and purpose of training evaluation processes?

A) diagnose the strengths and weakness of a program and pinpoint needed improvements
B) use evaluation information to justify and reinforce the value and credibility of the training function to the organization
C) determine the cost benefits of a program and help ascertain which program or training technique is most cost-effective
D) determine if the training program has given trainees full top management support via objective metrics

On May 01, 2024



Which training method should have operating models of both physical and psychological fidelity associated with it?

A) role play
B) simulations
C) lectures
D) case incidents

On Apr 28, 2024