


The person who makes an offer is called the ________.

A) offeree
B) offeror
C) assignor
D) delegator
E) assignee

On Jul 19, 2024



Discuss strategies the HR department might use to communicate the type and value of employee benefits.

On Jul 16, 2024

Employers figure out how to use plan language, and they spread the messages through multiple channels, online and offline. Besides simply delivering messages about benefits' value, some companies also offer tools that help employees select and use benefits. Employers have many options for communicating information about benefits. To increase the likelihood that employees will receive and understand the messages, employers can combine several media, such as brochures, question-and-answer meetings, intranet pages, memos, and e-mail.


Most states have adopted the:

A) title theory, which gives the mortgagor the right of ownership and possession.
B) lien theory, under which the mortgagor retains title and is entitled to possession to the exclusion of the mortgagee, even if the mortgagor defaults.
C) title theory, which brings no right of redemption.
D) position that the person who owns property subject to a mortgage will not be liable to the creditor for "waste."

On Jun 19, 2024



From an employee behavioural perspective,what steps need to be followed to design an effective reward system?

On Jun 16, 2024

An effective reward system generates the types of employee behaviour that an organization needs. The following steps will help create an effective reward system.
1. Define the employee behaviour that is really needed.
2. Determine the employee attributes and qualifications necessary to perform the needed behaviour.
3. Identify the needs that individuals possessing these qualifications are likely to find salient.
4. Ensure a positive valence for needed behaviour by providing rewards that address salient needs and by reducing the costs to the employee of performing the behaviour.
5. Make it clear that performance of the behaviour will lead to the promised rewards.
6. Provide conditions that make it likely that employee effort will actually lead to the desired behaviour.


Presented below are Truck Company's monthly manufacturing cost data related to its personal computer products. A)  Taxes on factory building $820,000\begin{array}{lr}\text { Taxes on factory building } & &&&&&\$ 820,000 \\\end{array} Taxes on factory building $820,000
B)  Raw materials 66,000\begin{array}{lr}\text { Raw materials } &&&&&&&&&&& 66,000 \\\end{array} Raw materials 66,000
C)  Depreciation on manufacturing equip. 210,000\begin{array}{lr}\text { Depreciation on manufacturing equip. } & 210,000 \\\end{array} Depreciation on manufacturing equip. 210,000
D)  Wages for assembly line workers 340,000\begin{array}{lr}\text { Wages for assembly line workers } &&& 340,000\end{array} Wages for assembly line workers 340,000 Instructions
Enter each cost item in the following table placing an "X" under the appropriate headings.  Product Costs  Direct Materials Direct Labor Manufacturing Overhead  (a)  (b)  (c)  (d) \begin{array}{ccc}&&\text { Product Costs }\\&\text { Direct Materials}&\text { Direct Labor}&\text { Manufacturing Overhead } \\\text { (a) } \\\text { (b) } \\\text { (c) } \\\text { (d) }\end{array} (a)  (b)  (c)  (d)  Direct Materials Product Costs  Direct Labor Manufacturing Overhead 

On May 20, 2024

 Product Costs  Direct Materials Direct Labor Manufacturing Overhead  (a) × (b) × (c) × (d) ×\begin{array}{ccc}&&\text { Product Costs }\\&\text { Direct Materials}&\text { Direct Labor}&\text { Manufacturing Overhead } \\\text { (a) } &&& \times\\\text { (b) }& \times\\\text { (c) }&&& \times \\\text { (d) }&& \times \end{array} (a)  (b)  (c)  (d)  Direct Materials× Product Costs  Direct Labor× Manufacturing Overhead ××


An American-style call option with six months to maturity has a strike price of $35. The underlying stock now sells for $43. The call premium is $12. If the company unexpectedly announces it will pay its first-ever dividend three months from today, you would expect that

A) the call price would increase.
B) the call price would decrease.
C) the call price would not change.
D) the put price would decrease.
E) the put price would not change.

On May 17, 2024