


The Bureau of Labor Statistics' "unemployed" category includes those who were not employed, were available for work, and had tried to find employment during the previous four weeks.

On Jul 23, 2024



Research by Bedi and colleagues found that a leader's ethical behavior tends to correlate positively with ______.

A) the number of decisions leaders make
B) ratings of reward power
C) followers' ethical behavior
D) scores on narcissism scales

On Jul 21, 2024



Which of the following would be the most effective way to deliver a report that you've prepared for a small group of managers in your local office?

A) Delivering the report to them in person
B) Texting them to download the report from your personal webpage
C) Spending extra money to hire a professional courier to deliver the report
D) Saving the report in an open-source format on a USB drive and sending it to them via snail mail
E) Delivering the report to the key decision maker and allowing them to distribute the report to the rest of the group

On Jun 23, 2024



A country recently had a trade deficit of 350 billion euros. Its residents also purchased 400 billion euros of foreign assets. What was the value of this country's assets purchased by foreigners?

On Jun 21, 2024

Foreigners purchased 750 euros of this country's assets.


Social loafing occurs when a person's position within the group is equivalent in status to positions held outside of the group.

On May 23, 2024



B and C owned adjacent houses in a subdivision. B's house and lot were located on slightly higher ground than C's, and the natural flow of water was downhill towards C's house. The two houses were separated by a 2.5-metre wide driveway, of which each owned one-half. One day, B changed the location of the eavestrough downspout on his house to direct the flow of water from his roof across the driveway, which sloped towards C's house. The first heavy rain resulted in the flooding of C's basement, because B had directed all of the rain which had collected on his roof towards and into C's basement window. C should have foreseen the entry of the water from B's downspout and dug a ditch to direct it away from his house.

On May 22, 2024
