


Valerie is preparing to call a customer who has a reputation of being brutally honest. Valerie knows that she has a great product, but she is still worried about the reaction of the prospect. What relaxation technique would help Valerie reduce her stress?

On Jul 30, 2024

Creative imagery can be used by Valerie to reduce stress and tension.


In a decreasing term insurance,the premium stays constant from year to year,but the amount of protection (death benefit)decreases over the years.

On Jul 27, 2024



Which of the following types of warranties are automatically injected into a contract, as a matter of law?

A) Express warranties, implied warranties of quality, and acknowledged title warranties
B) Implied warranties, but not express warranties or acknowledged title warranties
C) Acknowledged title warranties, but not express warranties or implied warranties of quality
D) Acknowledged title warranties and express warranties, but not implied warranties of quality
E) Express warranties and implied warranties of quality, but not acknowledged title warranties

On Jun 30, 2024



Principles for selecting program activities in the ending stage of group work do not include

A) Demonstrate or encourage reflection about the skills members have learned in the group
B) Encourage members to express their feelings about the group and each other
C) Focus on activities previously done in the group
D) Encourage participation in activities outside the group

On Jun 26, 2024



If the inverse demand for bean sprouts were given by P(Y)  640  3Y and the total cost of producing Y units for any firm were TC(Y)  10Y and if the industry consisted of two Cournot duopolists, then in equilibrium each firm's production would be

A) 52.50 units.
B) 70 units.
C) 105 units.
D) 35 units.
E) 53.33 units.

On May 31, 2024



At BMW's Assembly Line,to motivate employees to come up with ideas to cut costs and boost output,the organization:

A) started a bonus system that was paid to employees who submitted ideas
B) started an employee of the month distinction
C) made all suggestions public along with the employee names
D) gave employees who did not participate hard tasks

On May 27, 2024