


Arrow's impossibility theorem states that the majority rule fails to produce transitive preferences for society.

On Jul 27, 2024



Southern Industrials Inc.wants to develop a competency-based approach to executive selection.Which leadership perspective mainly applies to this practice? Also, based on leadership research, identify and explain four 'competencies' that Southern Industrials will probably identify in effective executives.

On Jun 30, 2024

The leadership perspective -- competency perspective -- should be obvious to all students.Students can identify any four of the seven leadership competencies listed below:
Drive.This refers to the inner motivation that leaders possess to pursue their goals.In particular, leaders have a high need for achievement.
Leadership motivation.Effective leaders have a strong need for socialized power.They want to use their power bases to influence their team or organization and make it successful.
Integrity.Effective leaders are truthful and translate words into deeds.Leaders will only have followers when trust is maintained through the leader's integrity.
Self-confidence.Leaders believe in their leadership skills and ability to achieve objectives.They also use impression management tactics described in Chapter 12 to convince followers of their confidence.
Intelligence.Leaders have above average cognitive ability to process enormous amounts of information.Leaders aren't necessarily geniuses.Rather, they have superior ability to analyze alternate scenarios and identify potential opportunities.
Knowledge of the business.Leaders need to understand the environment in which they operate to make more intuitive decisions.This relates to the idea that intuition requires experience and intimate knowledge of the industry.
Emotional intelligence.Effective leaders monitor their own and others' emotions, discriminate among them, and use the information to guide their thoughts and actions.They have a strong self-monitoring personality to adapt their behavior appropriately.


According to the absolute priority rule, the correct order of distribution in liquidation is:
Administrative expenses of the bankruptcy, Employee wages, Government taxes Unsecured creditors.

On Jun 27, 2024



Briefly describe the three ways retail outlets can be classified.

On May 31, 2024

Retail outlets can be classified in three basic ways: (1) form of ownership, which refers to who owns the outlet; (2) level of service, which is the degree of service provided to the customer; and (3) merchandise line, which refers to how many different types of products a store carries and in what assortment.


Organizational diagnosis is the process of assessing the functioning of the organization,
department,team,or job to discover the sources of problems and areas for improvement.

On May 28, 2024
