Narissara Chaiyakij




Examine the relationship between the concepts of reaction range and canalization.

On Jun 24, 2024

The concepts of reaction range and canalization are both related to the idea of how genetic and environmental factors interact to determine an individual's traits and development.

Reaction range refers to the range of possible phenotypic outcomes that can occur for a particular genotype, depending on the environmental conditions. In other words, individuals with the same genetic makeup can exhibit a wide range of traits and behaviors based on the environment in which they are raised. This concept emphasizes the role of environmental influences in shaping an individual's characteristics.

On the other hand, canalization refers to the ability of a genotype to produce the same phenotype despite variations in environmental conditions. This concept suggests that certain traits are more resistant to environmental influences and are more likely to develop in a consistent manner, regardless of the specific environmental factors present. In other words, canalization highlights the robustness and stability of certain genetic pathways in the face of environmental variability.

The relationship between these concepts lies in their shared focus on the interplay between genetics and the environment in shaping an individual's development. Reaction range emphasizes the flexibility and adaptability of genetic expression in response to environmental factors, while canalization highlights the stability and consistency of certain genetic pathways. Together, these concepts provide a more comprehensive understanding of how nature and nurture interact to produce the diversity of traits and behaviors observed in individuals.


About 10 percent of adults over age 64 in the United States are in nursing homes.

On Jun 24, 2024



Psychoanalytic and learning theorists both agree that dissociative and anxiety disorders are symptoms that represent the person's attempt to deal with

A) unconscious conflicts.
B) anxiety.
C) unfulfilled wishes.
D) unpleasant responsibilities.

On May 28, 2024



Bradley is deeply relaxed and many of his muscles are not moving at all.What does this suggest about many of Bradley's motor neurons

A)  They have a voltage of +70 millivolts. 
B)  They have a voltage of -70 millivolts. 
C)  They are in a relative refractory period. 
D)  They are in an absolute refractory period.

On May 25, 2024