Natalie De Los Santos




Psychologists are currently debating whether our physical capacity for mentally simulating the observed behavior of others is due to specialized

A) models.
B) cognitive maps.
C) preparedness.
D) mirror neurons.

On Jul 19, 2024



Describe the purpose and features of DSM-5. Include the difference between categorical information and dimensional information, and provide an example of each.

On Jul 16, 2024

The purpose of the DSM-5, or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, is to provide a standardized classification system for mental health disorders. It is used by clinicians and researchers to diagnose and classify mental health conditions, and it also provides a common language for communication about mental health issues.

The DSM-5 includes a range of features, including diagnostic criteria for various mental health disorders, as well as information about prevalence, risk factors, and comorbidity. It also provides guidance on differential diagnosis and treatment planning.

One of the key differences in the DSM-5 is the shift from categorical information to dimensional information. Categorical information refers to the traditional approach of classifying mental health disorders into distinct categories, such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. Dimensional information, on the other hand, considers mental health disorders as existing on a continuum, with varying degrees of severity and symptom presentation.

An example of categorical information would be the diagnosis of major depressive disorder, which involves meeting specific criteria for the presence of depressive symptoms over a defined period of time. An example of dimensional information would be the assessment of the severity of depressive symptoms using a rating scale, such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), which measures the severity of depressive symptoms on a continuum from mild to severe.

Overall, the DSM-5 serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding and diagnosing mental health disorders, and the inclusion of dimensional information reflects a more nuanced understanding of the complexity of mental health conditions.


Which of the following would constitute the strongest evidence that a particular IQ test is biased against, say, women?

A) On the average, men get a higher score than women do on this test.
B) Women with a given IQ score get better grades in school, on the average, than men with the same IQ score.
C) The authors and distributors of the test were mostly men.
D) Women with a given IQ score get lower grades in school, on the average, than men with the same IQ score.

On Jun 19, 2024



During the last few decades,people have become more aware of the sexual abuse of children by adults,and psychologists have devoted more research attention to the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse.These observations best reflect which unifying theme in psychology

A)  People's experience of the world is highly subjective. 
B)  Psychology is theoretically diverse. 
C)  Behaviour is determined by multiple causes. 
D)  Psychology evolves in a sociohistorical context.

On Jun 16, 2024



Which adolescent is most likely to develop an eating disorder?

A) Marla, who is African American and captain of her basketball team
B) Jessalyn, who is White and trying to get into an Ivy League school
C) Zhu, who is Asian and starting to realize that she may be a lesbian
D) Bianca, who is Latina and prefers to spend her time playing video games

On May 20, 2024



People suffering from this disorder, because of their fear of rejection and criticism, are generally unwilling to enter into close relationships without some assurance of acceptance.

A) delusional disorder
B) illness anxiety disorder
C) avoidant personality disorder
D) bipolar disorder

On May 17, 2024