


If you move your watchband up your wrist an inch or so,you will feel it for only a few moments. This best illustrates

A) parallel processing.
B) accommodation.
C) sensory adaptation.
D) Weber's law.

On Jul 19, 2024



Grounded theory and content analysis are two popular forms of qualitative analysis.Describe,in detail,these two approaches.

On Jul 01, 2024

Grounded theory-The purpose of grounded theory is to move beyond people's accounts of their experiences in order to formulate a theory of people's actions,interactions,and social processes as they pertain to a particular topic.The fundamental idea is that the theory is not arbitrarily developed but instead is "grounded" in the accounts of those who have experienced the phenomenon under investigation.With this form of analysis,the researcher conducts interviews with people who have experienced a phenomenon and tries to generate categories that capture the fundamental aspects of the experience.Once categories are developed,the researcher conducts more interviews in an iterative fashion until no new information that helps to clarify the categories is forthcoming,and the theory is fully developed.
Content analysis-Content analysis involves describing,analyzing,and interpreting patterns or themes within data.In content analysis,researchers search the data for commonalities or themes.Content analysis is often the first step in a more in-depth analysis,such as phenomenological research,but it can also stand alone.


When Jack was in his twenties,he was more emotional and less conscientious in his job.Now that he is in his forties,he is more emotionally stable and more agreeable in his work and family life.Jack's change illustrates

A) reciprocal determinism.
B) the maturity principle.
C) heritability.
D) the spotlight effect.

On Jun 08, 2024



Kendrick thinks he wants to be an engineer but is not sure and is agonizing over the decision.Meanwhile,he is trying to get information about several other careers.According to Marcia,what is his identity status?

A) Achievement
B) Foreclosure
C) Identity diffusion
D) Moratorium

On Jun 01, 2024



Negative emotions turned inward result in __________; negative emotions turned outward result in __________.

A) anxiety; anger
B) positive health outcomes; negative health outcomes
C) frustration; fear
D) high blood pressure; low blood pressure

On May 05, 2024



If a study's participants are representative of the population as a whole and its stimuli are representative of stimuli encountered in the real world, then the study is said to have __________.

A) internal consistency
B) internal validity
C) external validity
D) external consistency

On May 02, 2024