


Taylor has no memory of the abuse she experienced as a child.During a session with her clinical psychologist,she suddenly began talking in a deeper voice,claiming to be Adam,a male personality,who remembered all of the abuse.Taylor is demonstrating the symptoms of

A) anorexia nervosa.
B) dissociative identity disorder.
C) bulimia nervosa.
D) narcissistic personality disorder.

On Aug 01, 2024



Repression refers to the defense mechanism by which people

A) offer self-justifying explanations in place of the real but threatening unconscious reasons for action.
B) retreat to behavior patterns characteristic of an earlier stage of development.
C) disguise threatening impulses by attributing them to others.
D) banish anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness.

On Jul 29, 2024



Imagine you just watched a television infomercial in which a spokesperson described a new product that gets rid of unsightly warts.You think your warts are unsightly and send away for the free informational brochure.When you receive the brochure,what should you do to analyze the credibility of the source of the product

A)  Decide whether you can afford the product. 
B)  Read the brochure to determine whether the product seems the same as it did on TV. 
C)  Evaluate the methods that were used to indicate the product is effective. 
D)  Determine whether the company has any physicians who have endorsed the product.

On Jul 02, 2024



Following a head injury,a person has ongoing difficulties staying awake. Most likely,the damage occurred to the

A) thalamus.
B) corpus callosum.
C) reticular formation.
D) cerebellum.

On Jun 29, 2024



What does the term gender identity mean?

On Jun 02, 2024

Gender identity refers to an individual's personal sense of their own gender. It is a deeply-held feeling of being male, female, a blend of both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. Gender identity is an intrinsic part of a person's identity and is typically self-identified, meaning that it is how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves.

One's gender identity can correspond to or differ from their sex assigned at birth. For example, a person may be assigned male at birth based on physical characteristics but identify as female. This person would be described as a transgender woman. Conversely, a person whose gender identity aligns with their sex assigned at birth is referred to as cisgender.

Gender identity is distinct from sexual orientation, which is about whom one is attracted to, and from gender expression, which is how one presents their gender to the outside world through behavior, clothing, haircut, voice, and other forms of presentation.

Understanding gender identity is important for respecting each person's sense of self and for addressing issues of discrimination and inequality. It is a fundamental aspect of who we are as individuals and how we interact with the world around us.


What is an example of a teacher being a competent cultural mediator?

A) being sensitive to racist content in materials and classroom interactions
B) learning more about different ethnic groups
C) Both answers are correct.
D) Neither answer is correct.

On May 30, 2024