


The direct write-off method records bad debt expense when an account is determined to be uncollectible.

On Jul 26, 2024



An important factor affecting channel choice is the importance of the message.

On Jun 29, 2024



Tom is at a meeting with potential clients.Which is an etiquette mistake he could potentially make?​

A) ​Ordering grilled chicken breast with carrots on the side
B) ​Waiting to eat until everyone has received their food
C) ​Forgetting to turn off or silence his cell phone beforehand
D) ​All of these

On Jun 26, 2024



Explain how a manager's understanding of the concept of self-efficacy could be used to improve the performance and mental outlook of subordinates.

On May 30, 2024

Self-efficacy refers to the individual's estimate of his or her own ability to perform a specific task in a particular situation.The greater the perceived ability to perform the task,the higher the self-efficacy will be.Employees with high self-efficacy believe that (1)they have the ability needed, (2)they are capable of the effort required,and (3)no outside events will keep them from performing at a high level.If employees have low self-efficacy,they believe that no matter how hard they try,something will happen to prevent them from reaching the desired level of performance.Self-efficacy influences people's choices of tasks and goals,the level of effort they exert,and the persistence with which they stay with a complex task.Individuals with higher self-efficacy are more likely to try harder at more challenging tasks for longer periods of time and across a variety of obstacles,and are thus more likely to perform successfully than those with low self-efficacy.
Self-efficacy can be increased under appropriate conditions.Self-efficacy levels are influenced by past experience,the manager's expectations,and peers' norms.A manager who understands these facts can increase the self-efficacy levels of his or her subordinates,and thereby boost their performance levels.If the manager can create situations in which the employee may respond successfully,self-efficacy will be increased.Similarly,if the manager and peers demonstrate high expectations for the employee and provide proper training and suggestions,the employee's self-efficacy will likely increase.As the employee's self-efficacy increases,he or she is likely to try harder and persist longer,improving the probability of successful performance.Perhaps the most positive outcome may be a positive cycle of small successes leading to small but continuous improvements in performance over time,ultimately resulting in a much happier,more satisfied,more self-confident,and productive employee with much higher levels of self-esteem,who is willing and able to take on more and more challenging tasks.


In an actual business,which of the following inventory accounting issues frequently arise?

A) How should physical quantities in inventory be determined?
B) What items should be included in ending inventory?
C) What costs should be included in inventory purchases?
D) All of these are inventory accounting issues that frequently arise.

On May 27, 2024