


The availability heuristic functions on which principle?

A) Things that are more easily remembered are assumed to occur more often.
B) Things that we understand now always would have happened.
C) If we are certain,we must be right.
D) The best evidence affirms our hypothesis.

On Jul 11, 2024



Evidence suggests that ________ contribute(s) to schizophrenia.

A) a fugue state
B) low emotional intelligence
C) conscious role playing
D) prenatal viral infections

On Jul 08, 2024



According to Rousseau,what is the relationship between the social contract and the need for government?

On Jun 11, 2024

Rousseau believed that we needed to understand the basic nature of the human condition so we could build a society that most closely resembled our natural tendencies and desires.A perfect society would mirror our natural state.But when social arrangements were inconsistent with these natural rules,society suffered social problems (e.g. ,high crime and suicide rates).Increasing population pressures forced people to work together to meet their material (e.g. ,food)needs.As humans progressed as a collective,certain individuals prospered because they were more gifted farmers,orators,or artisans,and for the first time society began to experience social and economic inequality.It was in this environment that Rousseau saw the greatest need for government;he saw that people needed to be protected from each other and needed to secure their private property.The rise of government,then,was really the manifestation of the social contract.People would willingly enter into the social contract because of the potential for individual and social benefit.


Giving a car dealer a bonus after every three cars she/he sells is an example of a fixed interval schedule.

On Jun 07, 2024



Which of the following topics is most controversial among current psychologists? That is, which of them is believed by some and strongly disbelieved by others?

A) The tendency for proactive interference to enhance forgetting.
B) The ability of therapy patients to accurately recover repressed memories of early sexual abuse.
C) Existence of different kinds of memory--e.g., procedural vs. declarative, explicit vs. implicit.
D) The possibility of being influenced in behavior by implicit memories, even though one does not recall them consciously.

On May 12, 2024



While anal warts are unlikely to develop into anal cancer, people who have anal warts are more likely to get anal cancer.

On May 08, 2024
