


Acceptance of an e-contract must show that the offeree voluntarily assented to the offer's terms.

On Jul 18, 2024



Social Security is an income support program, designed primarily to maintain the living standards of the poor.

On Jul 16, 2024



A higher interest rate will:

A) shift the consumption function upward.
B) shift the consumption function downward.
C) make the consumption function steeper.
D) make the consumption function flatter.
E) cause an upward movement along the consumption function.

On Jun 17, 2024



Which statement is true?

A) The capacity utilization rate for manufacturing firms usually ranges from 80 to 85 percent.
B) Net investment can be negative.
C) The most important determinant of the level of investment is the sales outlook.
D) All of the statements are true.

On Jun 16, 2024



Discuss the importance of adapting your writing to your audience and explain how to make a report more,or less,formal.

On May 18, 2024

Reports and proposals can put heavy demands on your readers,so the "you" attitude is especially important with these long messages.In general,try to strike a balance between being overly informal (which can be perceived as trivializing important issues)and overly formal (which can put too much distance between writer and reader).If you know your readers reasonably well and your report is likely to meet with their approval,you can generally adopt an informal tone.To make your tone less formal,speak to readers in the first person,refer to them as you,and refer to yourself as I (or we if there are multiple report authors).To make your tone more formal,use the impersonal journalism style: Emphasize objectivity,avoid personal opinions,and build your argument on provable facts.Eliminate all personal pronouns (including I,you,we,us,and our).Avoid humor,and be careful with your use of similes,metaphors,and particularly colorful adjectives or adverbs.However,you don't need to make the writing monotonous.For example,you can still create interest by varying the types of sentences to create a pleasing rhythm.Take into account that communicating with people in other cultures often calls for more formality in reports,both to respect cultural preferences and to reduce the risk of miscommunication.Informal elements such as humor and casual language tend to translate poorly from one culture to another.


Which amendment in the Bill of Rights guarantees a right to due process?

A) First
B) Second
C) Fifth
D) Sixth
E) Seventh

On May 17, 2024