


Alyssa is feeling anxious and stressed.Which of the following would most effectively boost her mood by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine,serotonin,and the endorphins?

A) biofeedback
B) relaxation training
C) mindfulness meditation
D) aerobic exercise

On Jul 27, 2024



If you saw someone on the side of the road with a flat tire, would you help that person? What factors would influence whether you would help or not? Include terminology discussed in the Latané and Darley study discussed in your text.

On Jul 26, 2024

As a human being, I would like to think that I would help someone on the side of the road with a flat tire. However, there are several factors that could influence whether I would actually stop to help or not. One factor is the number of other people around. According to the Latané and Darley study, the presence of other bystanders can lead to diffusion of responsibility, where individuals are less likely to help when others are present because they assume someone else will take action. If I were the only person around, I would feel a greater sense of responsibility to help.

Another factor is my own personal safety. If the situation seemed potentially dangerous, such as if the person appeared to be intoxicated or if I was in an unfamiliar or isolated area, I might be less inclined to stop and help. This relates to the concept of perceived cost in the decision-making process, as discussed in the study. If the potential cost of helping (such as risking my own safety) seems too high, I may be less likely to intervene.

Additionally, my own mood and level of empathy could also play a role. If I was in a rush or feeling particularly stressed, I might be less likely to stop and help. On the other hand, if I was in a good mood and feeling empathetic towards the person in need, I would be more likely to offer assistance.

Overall, while I would like to think that I would help someone with a flat tire, there are several factors that could influence my decision, including the presence of other bystanders, perceived cost, and my own mood and level of empathy.


During the fifth week of development, what grows faster than other parts of the body?

A) head
B) torso
C) feet
D) skin

On Jun 27, 2024



Which of the Big Five traits includes achievement-striving and self-discipline?

A) conscientiousness
B) openness to experience
C) agreeableness
D) neuroticism

On Jun 26, 2024



In regard to psychological disorders, prevalence refers to

A) the percentage of a population that exhibits a disorder during a specified time period.
B) the absolute number of people who are experiencing any psychological disorder at a given point in time.
C) the reliability of the diagnosis of psychological disorders.
D) the percentage of a population that has ever been treated for a psychological disorder.

On May 28, 2024



Your best friend and his/her partner have given birth to their first child,a baby boy.You go to the hospital to visit little Hank with an armful of blue balloons,blue blankets,and blue sleepers.According to West and Zimmerman,you are taking part in the process of

A) gender as discourse.
B) doing gender.
C) gender performance.
D) gender discrimination.

On May 27, 2024