


A child who is aggressive,starts fights,is hostile,and is disobedient is displaying ______ behaviors.

A) internalizing
B) externalizing
C) prosocial
D) self-regulation

On Jul 14, 2024



Vickie and Isabelle love socializing at parties on the weekends and always appear to be happy and in good spirits. They would likely score high on which Big Five trait?

A) extraversion
B) conscientiousness
C) neuroticism
D) agreeableness

On Jul 10, 2024



Suppose you are working on a group project with several classmates, wherein you are required to put together a presentation on Impressionist art. You are LEAST likely to engage in social loafing if ____.

A) the professor has indicated that just one grade will be given for the presentation (i.e., everyone in the group will receive the same final grade)
B) there are a number of Art History majors in the group (and you are not one of them)
C) the professor has indicated that group members will all rate each other at the end of the semester
D) the presentation is a very small part of the course grade

On Jun 14, 2024



Newborns spend quite a lot of time in rapid eye movement sleep.Such sleep is associated with _____.

On Jun 10, 2024



What has research shown about the adjustment or development of children and adolescents reared by same-sex couples compared with those reared by other couples?

On May 14, 2024

More than three decades of research conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, and the Netherlands has failed to reveal important differences in the adjustment or development of children and adolescents reared by same-sex couples compared with those reared by other couples. Specifically, children and adolescents raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers do not differ from other children on measures of emotional development, such as empathy and emotional regulation. Instead, some studies have suggested that children raised by gay and lesbian parents may score higher in some aspects of social and academic competence, and show fewer social and behavioral problems and lower levels of aggression, than other children. Moreover, children raised by lesbian mothers and gay fathers show similar patterns of gender identity and gender role development as children raised by heterosexual parents-they are not more likely to display a gay or lesbian orientation in adulthood. Researchers have concluded that a family's social and economic resources, the strength of the relationships among members of the family, and the presence of stigma are far more important variables than parental gender or sexual orientation in affecting children's development and well-being.


Which is the best analogy for how taste buds function?

A) a chemical broadcasting service
B) a sponge
C) a net
D) a screening service

On May 11, 2024



Sarah was required to learn a list of 20 numbers in order. Initially, she took 15 repetitions to learn the list. After five days, she had forgotten the list of numbers and had to re-learn it. This time, she only took eight tries to re-learn the numbers. The difference between the number of repetitions she originally took to learn the numbers and the number of repetitions she took to re-learn the numbers is known as _________.

A) dissociation
B) savings
C) the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
D) displacement

On May 08, 2024