


Giardetti, a retailer, placed an advertisement in a local newspaper on May 5th that read: "Special Sale! New 16" portable TV set available for sale to the first 10 customers at my store on May 10th at a sale price of $100 each. Regular price $199. First come, first served!" Don was the 10th customer in the store on May 10th, but Giardetti refused to sell him a TV set for $100. Giardetti's advertisement was a valid offer to sell, which Don accepted by being one of the first 10 customers at the store on May 10th, and verbally accepting the offer.

On Jul 29, 2024



Research has shown that proactive personality is positively related to all of the following EXCEPT:

A) job performance.
B) creativity.
C) leadership.
D) salary.
E) career success.

On Jun 30, 2024



Andre insured his automobile against theft under a policy of insurance. Shortly after he had insured the vehicle, he found himself short of cash, and offered to sell the vehicle to his friend for $500 if his friend would dismantle it for parts. Andre did not tell his friend that he intended to claim that the car had been stolen. His friend bought the car for $500 and dismantled it. If the loss is paid by the insurer, and the insurer later becomes aware of the fraud, the insurer may recover the money paid to Andre.

On Jun 27, 2024



Preferred shareholders usually get preference when dividends are declared but no vote.

On Jun 14, 2024



Other receivables include nontrade receivables such as loans to company officers.

On May 28, 2024



The benefit of a price ceiling to ________ is ________.

A) producers; the selling price of the product is above the equilibrium price
B) producers; the ceiling creates excess demand
C) consumers; the selling price of the product is below the equilibrium price
D) consumers; the ceiling creates excess supply

On May 08, 2024



Callaghan bought a bedroom set from a furniture store and signed a consumer credit contract agreeing to pay $150 in 12 monthly installments.The furniture store immediately negotiated the credit contract to a finance company,with which it had an arrangement,and received payment.The furniture turned out to be defective.Discuss if Callaghan can use the defense of defective furniture against the furniture store and the finance company for the money owed.

On May 01, 2024

Under the holder in due course rule adopted by the FTC,when the seller of consumer products has an arrangement with a financial institution to finance the seller's customer's purchases,the financial institution is subject to the customer's personal defenses and loses its holder-in-due-course protection.In this case,Callaghan's claims that the furniture was defective could be used against the finance company,even though it was the holder in due course.


Which of the following is a strategic application of multi-attribute models?

A) capitalize on a brand's disadvantage
B) weaken perceived product-attribute links
C) avoid comparative advertising
D) add a new product feature

On Apr 28, 2024