


Which statement is TRUE?

A) Monopolies produce too much and charge too much from the standpoint of efficiency.
B) Monopolies usually are economically efficient because they have economic profits with which to work.
C) Monopolies produce too little and charge too much from the standpoint of efficiency.
D) Monopolies cause an efficiency problem but are not associated with a deadweight loss.

On Jul 14, 2024



Which of the following is correct regarding credit derivatives?

A) If the expected recovery value increases, then the size of payment upon the occurrence of a credit event will increase. This will increase the protection payment.
B) If the expected recovery value decreases, then the size of payment upon the occurrence of a credit event will decrease. This will increase the protection payment.
C) If the expected recovery value decreases, then the size of payment upon the occurrence of a credit event will remain stable. This will increase the protection payment.
D) If the expected recovery value decreases, then the size of payment upon the occurrence of a credit event will increase. This will increase the protection payment.

On Jul 12, 2024



Entrepreneurial self-efficacy is ______.

A) the belief that entrepreneurs have in their ability to begin new ventures
B) the belief that entrepreneurs are born,not made
C) the ability to efficiently maximize returns
D) the ability of entrepreneurs to be self-deprecating despite their successes

On Jun 14, 2024



What steps would you take,if a very powerful person,to minimize negative reactions to your use of power over others?

On Jun 12, 2024

First and foremost, I would strive to use my power in a fair and just manner, always considering the impact of my decisions on others. I would make an effort to communicate openly and transparently with those affected by my actions, seeking their input and feedback whenever possible. Additionally, I would work to build trust and rapport with those around me, demonstrating empathy and understanding towards their perspectives. I would also be mindful of the potential for unintended consequences and seek to mitigate any negative impacts through proactive measures. Overall, my goal would be to use my power in a way that minimizes negative reactions and fosters a positive and collaborative environment.


If the middle section of your request letter contains a series of questions,save the most important question for last.

On May 15, 2024



Which of the following is false when evaluating capital investments tied to a CSR objective?

A) CSR investment proposals cannot be analyzed with the typical managerial accounting methods used for other types of capital projects.
B) Companies may evaluate an investment using a qualitative approach rather than a traditional quantitative approach.
C) Companies may evaluate an investment considering the reduction of potential litigation risks.
D) Companies may evaluate an investment considering the possibility of opening new consumer markets with a sustainable product desired by consumers.

On May 13, 2024