


How have South Asian Americans experienced discrimination and racism in the United States?

On Jul 20, 2024

South Asian Americans have experienced discrimination and racism in the United States in various ways. They have faced prejudice and stereotyping based on their ethnicity, religion, and cultural background. This has manifested in forms of verbal harassment, physical violence, and hate crimes. South Asian Americans have also been targeted in the aftermath of major events such as the 9/11 attacks, with many facing increased discrimination due to their perceived association with terrorism.

In addition, South Asian Americans have encountered systemic discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, and education. They have been overlooked for job opportunities, faced housing discrimination, and encountered barriers to accessing quality education. This has contributed to economic and social disparities within the South Asian American community.

Furthermore, South Asian Americans have also experienced discrimination within the criminal justice system, with reports of racial profiling and unfair treatment by law enforcement. This has led to a lack of trust in the authorities and a sense of insecurity within the community.

Overall, South Asian Americans have faced discrimination and racism in the United States, impacting their daily lives and opportunities for advancement. Efforts to address these issues include advocacy for policy changes, community organizing, and raising awareness about the experiences of South Asian Americans in order to combat prejudice and promote equality.


All of the following are evolutionary forces except:​

A) ​genetic drift
B) ​gene flow
C) ​genetic cloning
D) ​mutation

On Jul 15, 2024



Dialects cannot technically be distinguished from languages.​

On Jun 20, 2024



Describe Jewish traditional family characteristics and family roles.

On Jun 15, 2024

Jewish traditional family characteristics include a strong emphasis on family unity and the importance of maintaining close relationships with extended family members. Family gatherings and celebrations are an integral part of Jewish family life, and there is a strong sense of community and support within the family unit.

In terms of family roles, traditional Jewish families often have clearly defined gender roles, with the husband typically being the primary breadwinner and the wife taking on the role of caregiver and homemaker. However, these roles are evolving in modern Jewish families, with many women pursuing careers outside the home and sharing in the financial responsibilities.

In addition to these traditional roles, Jewish families also place a strong emphasis on the passing down of religious and cultural traditions from one generation to the next. Parents are responsible for teaching their children about Jewish customs, rituals, and values, and there is a strong emphasis on education and the pursuit of knowledge within the family.

Overall, Jewish traditional family characteristics include a strong sense of community, the passing down of religious and cultural traditions, and clearly defined family roles that are evolving in modern times.


With which descent system is the belief in ancestral spirits commonly found?​

A) ​unilineal
B) ​ambilineal
C) ​double descent
D) ​bilateral

On Jun 12, 2024



America's indigenous peoples were the first cultivators of what percentage of the crops grown in the world today?​

A) ​10
B) ​30
C) ​60
D) ​80

On May 16, 2024



In industrial societies, there are no shamans.​

On May 13, 2024



Which symptom group associated with trauma involves the internal biology of self-preservation, which goes on permanent alert?

A) Disconnection
B) Hyperarousal
C) Intrusion
D) Constriction and numbing

On May 10, 2024



Among which cultural group practicing traditional forms of subsistence would you expect the longest period of breast-feeding?​

A) ​Amish agriculturalists
B) ​Ju/'hoansi hunters and gatherers
C) ​Persian pastoralists
D) ​London industrialists

On May 09, 2024



Which of the following does not accurately describe the primate visual system?​

A) ​Nerve cells integrate the images derived from each eye.
B) ​Visual field is three-dimensional, registering height, width, and depth.
C) ​Nerve connections in the back of the eyes process visual information.
D) ​Eyes sit next to each other on the same plane with overlapping visual fields.

On May 08, 2024