


According to study findings, what kind(s) of contact will make behavioral programs successful to help people stop smoking?​

A) ​Face-to-face contact is required for counseling to be effective.
B) ​Computer/web-based contact is more effective than in-person.
C) ​Text messaging is found less effective than web-based contact.
D) ​Smokers can quit and avoid relapse through all these methods.

On Jul 29, 2024



​Wendi is a long-time smoker, which carries a relative risk of about 23.0 for lung cancer death and 2.0 for heart disease mortality. From this information you can conclude that

A) ​Wendi is more than four times as likely to die from lung cancer as from heart disease.
B) ​Wendi's absolute risk for lung cancer is greater than her absolute risk for heart disease.
C) ​Wendi is about 23 times more likely to die of lung cancer than those who do not smoke.
D) ​Wendi is about 23 times more likely to die of heart disease than her twin sister.

On Jul 24, 2024



The indirect measure of body fat that is calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms)by the square of your height (in meters)is called the ________.

On Jul 07, 2024

body mass index


Individuals with few people in their social networks​

A) ​are more than twice as likely to die of coronary artery disease than those with larger social networks.
B) ​are approximately half as likely to die of coronary artery disease as those with larger social networks.
C) ​are at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease if they are also married.
D) ​are not at an elevated risk for cardiovascular disease unless they also received high scores for loneliness.

On Jun 19, 2024



​Self-reports indicate that overweight people ________ and objective measurements indicate that overweight people _______.

A) ​eat less; eat more
B) ​eat less; eat less
C) ​eat more; eat more
D) ​eat more; eat less

On Jun 13, 2024



What type of relationship has been found between drinking alcohol and anxiety or tension?​

A) ​Most studies have found that alcohol reduces tension and anxiety.
B) ​Alcohol has been found to reduce anxiety, but to increase tension.
C) ​Alcohol increases anxiety for some people, but decreases it for others.
D) ​Drinking alcohol increases physical anxiety, but decreases social anxiety.

On Jun 05, 2024



Trans fatty acids are considered unhealthy because they

A) reduce blood flow.
B) raise LDL levels.
C) raise HDL levels.
D) flush the body of key vitamins.

On May 31, 2024



Discuss how the preparation and work of health psychologists differ from and are similar to those of other psychologists.

On May 26, 2024

A. The preparation of health psychologists is similar to other psychologists, following the scientist/practitioner model.
1. Health psychologists receive doctoral degrees in psychology; many also obtain postdoctoral training. Some also pursue training in endocrinology, epidemiology, immunology, neurology, or other medical subspecialties.
2. Clinical health psychologists must also learn clinical skills and how to practice as health care team members.
3. Health psychologists often complete practicums and internships in hospitals, clinics, and other health care settings.
B. Jobs of health psychologists may be similar to those of other psychologists or may vary considerably.
1. Like other research psychologists, health psychologists who conduct research usually are employed in educational settings where they combine teaching and research.
2. Unlike most research psychologists, health psychology researchers may be employed in medical centers, teaching medical students and participating in research as part of biomedical research teams.
3. Like other clinical or counseling psychologists, health psychologists who provide services may work in private practice, in hospitals or clinics, or in health maintenance organizations (HMOs), where they provide diagnosis and treatment.
4. Unlike most clinical or counseling psychologists, health psychologists who provide services may work as part of teams that provide services to people who are physically sick.
5. Unlike most psychologists, health psychologists are more likely to be involved in providing preventive services.


In the United States, both prostate cancer and breast cancer​

A) ​have the highest incidence and the highest mortality rates.
B) ​have low incidence and low mortality rates.
C) ​have high incidence but relatively lower mortality rates.
D) ​have none of these characteristics in common.

On May 13, 2024



As a risk factor for cancer, alcohol has​

A) ​about the same risk as cigarette smoking.
B) ​about the same risk as an improper diet.
C) ​a synergistic effect with smoking.
D) ​a synergistic effect with UV light.

On May 10, 2024