


Which of the following statements about professionalism in the workplace is most accurate?

A) Unprofessional behavior affects only the individual who displays it.
B) More organizations are establishing procedures or policies to encourage professionalism.
C) Employees need to exhibit professional behavior only when working at their desks.
D) You exhibit professional behavior only through nonverbal actions such as dressing appropriately or maintaining eye contact with others.

On Jul 02, 2024



Which of the following examples best illustrates the correct use of passive verbs to avoid assigning blame?

A) The customer order was not processed on time.
B) They were not able to submit the proposal on time.
C) He was perfectly capable of completing this project on time, but he didn't.
D) You made it impossible for me to add my point of view.
E) You should not have taken leave without getting approval first.

On Jul 02, 2024



For each city across the U.S., economists construct a price index for a similar basket of goods. In Los Angeles the index is 127.3 and the index for Dallas is 94.8. If you have been offered $137,000 for a job in Los Angeles and $117,000 for a similar job in Dallas, which job affords you the highest purchasing power of the bundle of goods in the price index? Use the Los Angeles value as the base.

On Jul 01, 2024

Real value[Dallas] = 127.3($117,000)/94.8 = $157,111. This exceeds the real $137,000 salary for the job in Los Angeles. The Dallas job provides higher purchasing power.


The number of equivalent units of production for the period for conversion, if the first-in, first-out method is used to cost inventories, was

A) 14,365
B) 13,615
C) 12,000
D) 15,865

On Jun 02, 2024



The five core job characteristics identified in the Hackman and associates model will affect all people in the same way.

On Jun 01, 2024



All of the following are individuals who may function as a center of influence EXCEPT:

A) salespeople who are selling competing products.
B) officers of community organizations like the chamber of commerce.
C) members of organizations such as the Lions Club.
D) country club members.
E) clergy.

On May 03, 2024



Which statement is true?

A) Private business firms are illegal in ChinA.
B) In China today,there is strict adherence to the communist credo,"From each according to his ability,to each according to his needs."
C) Major economic reforms in China in the late 1970s and early 1980s created a much more market oriented economy than a centrally planned one.
D) None of the statements are true.

On May 02, 2024