


Cross-cultural helping is described as "experiential, malleable, and collaborative." Explain what this means in relation to the provider and the client's experience.

On Jul 05, 2024

Cross-cultural helping being described as "experiential, malleable, and collaborative" means that the process of providing assistance or support across different cultures is based on direct experience, adaptable to different cultural contexts, and involves a joint effort between the provider and the client.

Experiential means that the provider and the client both learn from their direct interactions and experiences with each other. This allows for a deeper understanding of each other's cultural backgrounds, values, and perspectives, leading to more effective and meaningful assistance.

Malleable refers to the flexibility and adaptability of the helping process. It recognizes that different cultures have unique needs, communication styles, and problem-solving approaches. Therefore, the provider must be open to adjusting their methods and strategies to best meet the client's specific cultural needs.

Collaborative emphasizes the importance of working together in the helping process. It acknowledges that both the provider and the client bring valuable knowledge, skills, and resources to the table. By collaborating, they can co-create solutions that are culturally sensitive and relevant, leading to more successful outcomes.

Overall, the description of cross-cultural helping as experiential, malleable, and collaborative highlights the dynamic and interactive nature of the provider and client's experience. It emphasizes the need for mutual respect, open-mindedness, and active participation in order to effectively address the unique challenges and opportunities that arise when helping across different cultural contexts.


Through genetic analysis in the 1970s, an evolutionary biologist showed that there was a very low percentage of human variation existing among groups seen as racially separate. Who was this individual?​

A) ​Samuel Morton
B) ​Ashley Montagu
C) ​Franz Boas
D) ​Richard Lewontin

On Jul 03, 2024



Lee differentiates five Asian American family types that differ in relation to cultural conflict. Of these, which families are typified by traditional parents and acculturated, Americanized children?

A) Culture conflict
B) Traditional
C) Americanized
D) Bicultural

On Jun 10, 2024



DNA transmitted solely by mothers to their children is called__________ DNA .​

On Jun 05, 2024



In patrilineal descent, a woman belongs to the descent group of her:​

A) ​father and her children
B) ​father and brothers
C) ​mother and sisters
D) ​children and husband

On Jun 02, 2024



Goddesses are most likely to be prominent in food-foraging cultures.​

On May 06, 2024



Which of the following hominids is believed to be the first toolmaker as evidenced by the current fossil record?​

A) ​Homo habilis
B) ​Homo erectus
C) ​Homo sapiens
D) ​Australopithecines

On May 05, 2024



How did the use of sickles contribute to plant domestication?​

On May 03, 2024

They would cause easily dispersed seeds to be lost and those with tougher axes to be selectively kept and planted.​


GM (genetically modified) food, or food from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), has become hotly contested over the past several years. Arguments for and against this procedure abound. One of the arguments for GM food is that the process is a continuation of domestication practices that human populations have done for centuries. In what ways is this statement accurate? In what ways is it not?​

On May 02, 2024

The statement that GM food is a continuation of domestication practices is accurate in the sense that humans have been selectively breeding plants and animals for desirable traits for centuries. This process has led to the development of crops and livestock that are more productive, resilient, and better suited to human needs. In this way, the genetic modification of organisms can be seen as a modern extension of this long-standing practice of agricultural improvement.

However, the statement is not entirely accurate because the process of genetic modification differs significantly from traditional breeding methods. While traditional breeding involves the crossing of closely related species to achieve desired traits, genetic modification involves the insertion of genes from unrelated organisms, including bacteria and viruses, into the DNA of the target organism. This can lead to unforeseen consequences and potential risks to human health and the environment.

Additionally, the scale and speed at which genetic modification can be carried out far surpasses the pace of traditional breeding, raising concerns about the potential for unintended consequences and the loss of genetic diversity. Therefore, while there are similarities between genetic modification and traditional domestication practices, there are also significant differences that warrant careful consideration and evaluation of the potential risks and benefits of GM food.


Without isolation, gene flow tends to keep populations from differentiating into distinct species.​

On May 01, 2024
