


Around what year did the frequency of lynching of blacks peak between 1882 and 1932?

A) 1932
B) 1922
C) 1912
D) 1907
E) 1892

On Jul 31, 2024



In terms of personal relationships between husbands and wives in the colonial period,which of the following statements is true?

A) Women and men had egalitarian relationships.
B) A man's social status came from having a good wife.
C) Women were subordinate to men.
D) Men and women were told to obey each other to have a good marriage.

On Jul 26, 2024



What is the term for the right to free speech, freedom of religion, and justice before the law?

A) cultural engagement
B) political participation
C) social action
D) civil citizenship

On Jul 21, 2024



What does Arlie Hochschild call mothers who accept the dual workloads of paid labor at work and unpaid labor at home without any help?

A) instrumental leaders
B) Supermoms
C) dual mothers
D) revolutionary moms

On Jul 17, 2024



Which of the following terms is used by sociologists today to refer to the class of supervisors and managers who take direction from the owners and give direction to the workers?

A) nouveau riche
B) petite bourgeoisie
C) new middle class
D) lumpen-proletariat

On Jun 30, 2024



After an affair,most often the husband and wife

A) divorce.
B) do whatever they can to save their marriage.
C) react violently to their spouse's behavior.
D) continue the affair.

On Jun 27, 2024



Most economic analysts divide the economy into three main sectors of economic activity.Which of the following is one of these sectors?

A) tertiary
B) auxiliary
C) technology
D) terminal

On Jun 21, 2024



If you wanted to understand the rationalizations and motives that criminals use to understand the meaning and consequences of their actions,which method would you use?

A) observation
B) participant observation
C) statistical analysis
D) surveying
E) experimentation

On Jun 17, 2024



Like Karl Marx, George Simmel thought superordinate dominated subordinates almost completely.

On May 29, 2024



Explain how social control is related to an internal sense of belonging within a gemeinschaft type of society.

On May 25, 2024

Social control within a gemeinschaft type of society is closely related to an internal sense of belonging because gemeinschaft societies are characterized by strong social bonds and a sense of community. In these societies, individuals feel a deep connection to their community and are motivated to conform to its norms and values in order to maintain social harmony.

The internal sense of belonging within a gemeinschaft society is fostered through social control mechanisms such as informal social sanctions, peer pressure, and the influence of community leaders. These mechanisms work to ensure that individuals adhere to the shared values and norms of the community, and that deviant behavior is discouraged.

In this context, social control serves to reinforce the internal sense of belonging by promoting conformity and discouraging behaviors that may disrupt the social fabric of the community. Individuals are motivated to conform not only to avoid social sanctions, but also because they genuinely value their connection to the community and seek to maintain it.

Overall, social control in a gemeinschaft society is closely tied to the internal sense of belonging, as it works to uphold the shared values and norms that are integral to the community's identity and cohesion. This relationship between social control and internal belonging helps to maintain the stability and cohesiveness of gemeinschaft societies.