


Risk can be viewed as:

A) the degree of variability of return.
B) the standard deviation of the probability distribution of return.
C) the chance that return will be less than expected.
D) a value neutral concept.
E) All of the above

On Jul 12, 2024



Effective managers are generally viewed as being high in coercive power.

On Jul 09, 2024



What must senior executives, functional managers, and project leaders do to make a matrix structure more effective?

On Jun 12, 2024

The effectiveness of matrix structures is very much dependent on the abilities and motivation of senior executives, functional managers and project leaders.Top management must learn to maintain a proper balance of power between project leaders and functional managers.They must not play favorites; otherwise the delicate balance between the dual management structures leans too far in one direction or the other.
Project leaders require a general management orientation because they are working with a diverse group of people on a semi-temporary basis.Thus, project managers must be able to keep the team focused on the task and resolve the conflicts that typically occur in heterogeneous work units.
Functional managers coordinate the specialists assigned to the various projects.They are typically responsible for human resource planning and conducting performance appraisals of these specialists, even though the employees do not spend much time in the 'home' department.Functional managers must learn to be fair in the allocation of human resources, particularly where several project managers want the same person to work for them.This requires effective negotiation skills as well as decision-making skills.


When addressing which tips would be helpful in creating a binding arbitration clause, the text authors suggest what?

A) The clause should treat both parties as if they understand the law and should be signed in front of a notary.
B) The clause should always dictate that the arbitration will be performed in a certain location so that both parties know.
C) The clause should be bilateral, clear, state which party pays the fees, and specify how the arbitrator will be selected.
D) The clause should allow that if the arbitration award is not approved by both parties, the parties can then mediate the dispute instead.
E) The clause should always limit the remedies the parties can receive.

On Jun 09, 2024



Hull Company reported the following income statement information for the current year: Hull Company reported the following income statement information for the current year:  The beginning inventory balance is correct.However,the ending inventory figure was overstated by $20,000.Given this information,the correct gross profit would be: A) $149,000. B) $169,000. C) $129,000. D) $142,000. E) $112,000.The beginning inventory balance is correct.However,the ending inventory figure was overstated by $20,000.Given this information,the correct gross profit would be:

A) $149,000.
B) $169,000.
C) $129,000.
D) $142,000.
E) $112,000.

On May 13, 2024



A high price-earnings ratio means that investors are willing to pay a premium for the company's stock.

On May 10, 2024
