


Which of the following statements more accurately describes an employee rather than an independent contractor?

A) The person is an essential part of an employer's organization.
B) The person provides his/her own tools.
C) The person is free to represent others in the same business.
D) The person determines his/her own work schedule
E) The person has a high level of financial risk.

On Jun 05, 2024



Which question concerns measuring leader effectiveness in terms of the leaders' contribution to the quality of group processes, as perceived by followers or outside observers?

A) Do followers like, respect, and admire the leader?
B) Have sales figures achieved by followers increased during the leader's tenure?
C) Are followers likely to resist or subvert the leader's requests?
D) Does the leader contribute to the efficiency of role specialization?

On Jun 05, 2024



The romanticized conception of leadership is that leaders have the ability to control and influence the fates of their organizations and people.Why do so many people believe that fixed traits,such as intelligence and personality,can predict those persons who will be good leaders?

A) This fundamental attribution error is due to people's tendency to overemphasize the impact of a stable personality and dispositional traits,and to underemphasize the impact of a given situation on a person's behavior.
B) This psychological contract bias is due to a person's belief in mutual obligations between the leader and another party,such as an employee.
C) This hypocrisy attribution dynamic is due to the tendency for team members to draw sinister conclusions about a leader's behavior.
D) This leader-team perceptual distance mindset is mainly due to the more disconnect between what the leader sees and what the team sees.

On Jun 01, 2024



Income tax expense and the related liability for income taxes payable are recorded when taxes are paid.

On May 05, 2024



The profit maximizing level of output for this farmer is

A) 6.
B) 9.
C) 12.
D) 3.

On May 02, 2024