


Enculturation begins with the development of __________.​

On Jul 25, 2024



A reproductively isolated population or group capable of interbreeding to produce fertile offspring is a:​

A) ​genus
B) ​category
C) ​family
D) ​species

On Jul 19, 2024



​Cultural evolution is best defined as:

A) ​cultural change over time
B) ​a process of cultural progress over time
C) ​a mode of production that becomes more complex over time
D) ​adaption to biological and cultural change

On Jun 23, 2024



Hacker argues that the United States is essential two nations-black and white. Do you agree? Explain your reasoning.

On Jun 19, 2024

I do not agree with the statement that the United States is essentially two nations - black and white. While it is true that the United States has a history of racial inequality and discrimination, it is overly simplistic to divide the country into just two racial groups. The United States is a diverse and multicultural society with a wide range of racial and ethnic groups, including Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and others.

Furthermore, the idea of dividing the country into just two racial groups overlooks the intersectionality of race with other factors such as class, gender, and sexuality. It also ignores the experiences of biracial and multiracial individuals who do not fit neatly into the categories of black or white.

While it is important to acknowledge and address the racial disparities and injustices that exist in the United States, reducing the complexity of the country's racial dynamics to just two groups is not an accurate or productive way to approach these issues. Instead, we should strive to recognize and celebrate the diversity of experiences and identities within the United States and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all.


Describe Latino/a family and cultural values. Which of these values and beliefs have been fostered by the Roman Catholic Church?

On May 21, 2024

Latino/a family and cultural values are deeply rooted in traditions, community, and strong family ties. Respect for elders, close-knit family relationships, and a strong sense of community are central to Latino/a cultural values. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on hospitality, hard work, and the importance of celebrations and gatherings.

Many of these values and beliefs have been fostered by the Roman Catholic Church, which has played a significant role in shaping Latino/a culture. The Church has emphasized the importance of family, community, and traditions, and has promoted values such as respect for elders, compassion, and the importance of charity and service to others. The Church's teachings on the sanctity of marriage and the value of strong family bonds have also influenced Latino/a family values.

Furthermore, the Catholic Church's emphasis on rituals, celebrations, and religious holidays has contributed to the importance of gatherings and celebrations within Latino/a culture. The Church's teachings on the importance of hard work, humility, and the value of helping those in need have also been influential in shaping Latino/a cultural values.

Overall, the Roman Catholic Church has played a significant role in fostering many of the values and beliefs that are central to Latino/a family and cultural life. Its teachings on family, community, and compassion have had a profound impact on shaping Latino/a cultural values.


What were the primary advantages of pottery for a sedentary society?​

On May 18, 2024

Pottery allowed for significant innovation in design and specialization, was most secure against pests and weather, and allowed foods to be boiled and cooked more easily.​