


Which of the following is an effective "I" statement?

A) "Can you work overtime?"
B) "Why are you mad at me?"
C) "I feel confused when you don't give me feedback"
D) "I think you are being a baby"

On Aug 06, 2024



At the adjourning stage of team development,___________.

A) members are likely to feel disappointment if the experience was negative
B) groups experience differences over factors such as direction,leadership,and work style
C) members engage in constructive self-change for the good of the group
D) teams may disband permanently or take a temporary break

On Jul 24, 2024



Which of the following statements is true of a knowledge worker?

A) Larger product life cycles create a need for the knowledge worker.
B) This category of workers includes only product developers or producers.
C) Constant focus on retaining an old process without any change creates a need for the knowledge worker.
D) They are employees who need and use information to perform their work.

On Jul 01, 2024



What kind of behavior do Ronnie's team members display,when they mainly focus on contributing to,asking for,summarizing,and clarifying information in the meeting?

A) Process-related
B) Task-related
C) Maintenance-related
D) Dysfunctional

On Jun 22, 2024



When is conflict viewed as constructive and positive?

On Jun 18, 2024

Answers should cover the following issues:
a.Increased involvement
b.Increased cohesion
c.Increased innovation and creativity
d.Positive personal growth and change
e.Clarification of key issues
f.Values clarification


Gary is going to break up with Hortensia and has decided to break the news at an expensive restaurant in hopes of avoiding an unpleasant scene.Even though this might not work,Gary's decision reflects his understanding of the importance of which component of communication?

A) noise
B) feedback
C) context
D) decoding

On May 27, 2024



The culture of which country values an equal,or decentralized,distribution of power?

A) Israel
B) Russia
C) France
D) China

On May 18, 2024



According to politeness theory,which statement would be least face-threatening to a coworker who violates the dress code?

A) "Wow! Jeans aren't allowed,you know."
B) "I've noticed that you keep dressing too casually,and our boss has mentioned it,too."
C) "You look pretty unprofessional,but perhaps that's the look you want."
D) "You look casual today.Are you going somewhere after work?"

On May 17, 2024



Desiree just met her new college roommate,Francesca,for the first time.Francesca is from Mexico and is having difficulty adjusting to American culture.She is feeling homesick as this is her first time away from home.Desiree is excited to finally be away from home,and is looking forward to a fun-filled year.Although Francesca seems nice,it is a bit of a "downer" to have such a melancholy roommate.Desiree has heard that you have taken a course in interpersonal communication,and asks for advice about how to interact with her new roommate.You decide that the best approach is for Desiree to try and socially decenter in an effort to get off on the right foot with her new roommate.Using the various skills associated with social decentering,what advice do you give Desiree?

On May 15, 2024

-Desiree will want to begin a cognitive shift whereby she begins to take into account Francesca's thoughts,values,background,and perspectives.
-The first part of social decentering is for Desiree to think about how she would react if she were suddenly thrust into a new culture.What new things must Francesca be dealing with? Desiree might think about a time when she traveled abroad,or was in a new and unfamiliar situation.Has Desiree ever felt homesick? What ways has she coped with culture shock or homesickness in the past?
-The second part of social decentering for Desiree is to reflect on what she knows about Francesca.She might look at the various artifacts and personal items Francesca has arranged in their dorm room.She might deduce something about her based on the fact that the college has paired them together.If Francesca has a lot of family pictures up in the room,Desiree might think about what sort of importance she places on family,and if families are the same in Mexico as they are in the United States.If Desiree is really on her toes,she might reflect on some of the building blocks of culture such as individualism versus collectivism,view of time,and so on,to gain a better picture of the issues Francesca is facing.
-The third part of social decentering is thinking about how most people would react in a similar situation.What is it like to be a young woman in a strange place? How much social support (good friends)do most young women of about age 18 require? How do most Mexicans feel about individualistic cultures like that found in the United States,etc.? Avoid developing inaccurate,inflexible stereotypes of others by not making snap judgments that might lead to inaccurate conclusions.


Jorge is an active member of his high school debate team,but lately he has noticed that his peers are more articulate and score better at tournaments than he does.Feeling that he no longer is valuable,Jorge decides to quit the team.Through which process did Jorge make his decision?

A) facework
B) mindfulness
C) social comparison
D) reflective competition

On May 13, 2024