


What was the purpose of Scarouyady's 1765 "Speech to Pennsylvania Provincial Council"?

A) to negotiate a treaty to establish Oneida territory in northwest Pennsylvania
B) to pledge the assistance of the Oneida in fighting the French
C) to distinguish the Oneida as the friend of white men, unlike other hostile tribes
D) to claim compensation for the seizure of Oneida land by white settlers
E) to oppose the construction of the fort at Shamokin because it would be on sacred Oneida ground

On Jul 24, 2024



The Reconstruction Finance Corporation

A) raised taxes on imports.
B) reduced Americans' purchasing power.
C) offered relief efforts to the unemployed.
D) made loans to banks, railroads, and other businesses.
E) offered cheat credits to poor families.

On Jul 22, 2024



American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s

A) took place without approval from the Mexican government.
B) did not exceed the Mexican population there until the United States annexed Texas in 1845.
C) led Stephen Austin to demand more autonomy from Mexican officials.
D) included no slaves, because Mexico had banned slavery in its territory.
E) was in communities whose American-born residents were called Tejanos by their Mexican neighbors.

On Jun 24, 2024



Which of the following was one of the significant American influences on the Beatles?

A) Chuck Berry
B) Scott Joplin
C) The Who
D) The Rolling Stones

On Jun 21, 2024



As a response to the Great Depression and in contrast to previous federal economic policy,

A) Hoover argued against government-sponsored loans bailing out big businesses and banks.
B) Hoover did not support a tax increase.
C) Hoover approved public-works projects for the unemployed.
D) Hoover signed a direct relief bill designed to help the unemployed.
E) Hoover sought economic aid from allies in Europe.

On Jun 20, 2024



Which of the following was true of Washington's Farewell Address?

A) Washington indicated his belief that Congress plays a secondary role to the president in the making of foreign policy.
B) Washington attempted to portray the Republican opposition as dangerous and misguided.
C) Washington attempted to undermine Alexander Hamilton's chance of succeeding him as president.
D) Washington indicated his belief that the United States should actively ally with Great Britain against the French menace.

On May 24, 2024



What factors allowed the French to establish a trading relationship with the Indians relatively soon after their arrival?

On May 22, 2024

The French brought trading goods the Indians could use. Indians helped establish the fur trade and became dependent on food sources supplied by the French.


What was a factor in the nation's acquisition of Florida from Spain?

A) Andrew Jackson led an army to invade Florida, subsequently killing British traders.
B) Spain no longer mined for gold in Florida.
C) Abolitionists hoped to create a refuge for fugitive slaves.
D) Businessmen hoped soft, sandy beaches would bring in tourist money.
E) The United States seized Tallahassee.

On May 21, 2024



Which of the following comparisons of wage trends for 1953 to 1973 and 1973 to 1993 is accurate?

A) Wages were more equitable for women and minorities in the first period than in the second.
B) Wage gains were typically eaten up by inflation in the first half.
C) Nominal wages gradually sunk in the first half and rose in the second, but real wages behaved in the opposite way.
D) Wages increased significantly in the first period but stagnated in the second.
E) Wages for women grew significantly while men's wages declined.

On May 20, 2024



James Madison argued in The Federalist that the large size and diversity of the United States was a source of political stability, not a weakness.

On May 18, 2024
