


According to path-goal theory,when an employee's tasks are complex and challenging and the employee has a high need to excel,the boss should apply ______.

A) directive behaviors
B) supportive behaviors
C) participative behaviors
D) achievement oriented behaviors

On Jul 19, 2024



PR professionals must clarify which of the following when promoting ecotourism?

A) Which social media sites promote environmentalism?
B) How local agencies protect the environment?
C) Where tourists should make charitable donations?
D) How visitors should respect the environment?

On Jul 15, 2024



Why do many military groups spend time marching in formation?

On Jun 19, 2024

Military groups spend time marching in formation for several reasons, which are both practical and symbolic in nature:

1. Discipline and Unity: Marching in formation requires a high level of discipline and coordination. It instills a sense of unity and cohesion among the troops, as each member must move in sync with the others. This discipline translates into other military operations where teamwork and precise coordination are crucial.

2. Training and Readiness: Marching drills help soldiers to follow orders and react to commands quickly. This readiness is essential in combat situations where rapid response to orders can mean the difference between success and failure, or even life and death.

3. Physical Conditioning: Marching is a physical activity that helps in improving the overall fitness of the soldiers. It builds stamina and endurance, which are necessary for the physically demanding tasks that soldiers must perform in the field.

4. Esprit de Corps: Marching in formation can build morale and pride within a unit. It fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among soldiers, which is important for maintaining high spirits, especially during challenging times.

5. Display of Skill and Professionalism: Military parades and ceremonial marches are opportunities to display the skill and professionalism of the armed forces to the public and to other military units. It is a way of showcasing the military's capability and readiness.

6. Tradition and Ceremony: Many military organizations have a long history and tradition of marching. Ceremonial events, such as the changing of the guard, state funerals, and national parades, often feature marching formations as a sign of respect and honor.

7. Instilling Order: Marching in formation helps to establish and reinforce the concept of order within the military. It is a visual representation of the structured hierarchy and the importance of following the chain of command.

In summary, marching in formation is a multifaceted practice that serves to build discipline, readiness, physical fitness, unity, and morale among military personnel, while also serving ceremonial and traditional roles that enhance the public image of the military.


Elton Mayo discovered in the Hawthorne studies that employees create their own informal networks.

On Jun 15, 2024



Hill Inc.purchased an asset on January 1,2019.Hill chose an accelerated depreciation method to depreciate the asset.Which of the following is correct if Hill would have chosen the straight-line depreciation method instead?

A) Depreciation expense would have been lower in 2019.
B) The book value of the asset would have been lower at the end of 2019.
C) Net income would have been lower during 2019.
D) The accumulated depreciation balance would have been higher at the end of 2019.

On May 19, 2024



What is the most popular social selling platform for B₂B marketing?

A) Facebook
B) Twitter
C) Google Plus
D) LinkedIn
E) YouTube

On May 16, 2024