


Money plays a major role in elections.Explain why money is so important-what does it purchase? Explain the implications for democracy.

On Jul 21, 2024

Money plays a major role in elections because it allows candidates to fund their campaigns, which in turn helps them reach a wider audience and promote their message. Money is important in elections because it purchases advertising, staff, travel, and other resources that are necessary for a successful campaign.

The implications for democracy are significant. When money plays such a major role in elections, it can give wealthy individuals and special interest groups disproportionate influence over the political process. This can lead to a situation where the voices of ordinary citizens are drowned out by the interests of the wealthy and powerful. It can also create a barrier for individuals who may have great ideas and leadership skills but lack the financial resources to compete in the political arena.

Furthermore, the influence of money in elections can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability in the political process. Candidates who rely heavily on large donations may feel indebted to their donors, potentially compromising their ability to represent the interests of all their constituents.

Overall, the importance of money in elections has significant implications for the fairness and integrity of the democratic process. It is important for measures to be put in place to limit the influence of money in elections and ensure that all voices are heard and represented in the political arena.


Public funding for presidential primary campaigns

A) matches,on a dollar-for-dollar basis,all contributions of $250 or less,up to a total of $48.7 million in 2016.
B) provides $200 million for all candidates meeting the minimum requirements specified by law.
C) provides $500 million for all candidates meeting the minimum requirements specified by law.
D) is determined by a formula that weighs a presidential candidate's previous fundraising and number of votes received in previous elections.

On Jun 22, 2024



The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

A) substantially increased the federal government's role in elementary and secondary education.
B) substantially decreased the federal government's role in elementary and secondary education.
C) maintained the same role for the federal government in elementary and secondary education that existed between 1791 and 2001.
D) created a new source of governmental power,the Department of Education,
Which is a combination of federal,state,and local authorities.

On Jun 21, 2024


Answered began

A) in 1996 as a social networking site for progressive activists opposed to free-trade agreements.
B) in 1998 as an email group fighting against the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.
C) in 2003 as a protest movement fighting against the war in Iraq.
D) in 2010 as a lobbying organization opposed to the Affordable Care Act.

On Jun 20, 2024



Leadership PACs are

A) members of Congress who have previously served on the Parent's Advisory Council.
B) interest groups that lobby Congress to provide more funding for performing arts centers.
C) organizations that members of Congress use to raise funds that they then distribute to other members of their party who are running for election.
D) federally funded training academies that educate newly elected members of Congress on the norms of the House and Senate.

On Jun 19, 2024



Oversight can best be described as the

A) efforts of Congress to supervise the manner in which its laws are implemented by
The executive branch.
B) organizational control exercised by party whips over members of Congress.
C) authority of committee chairs over the hearings and investigations conducted by the subcommittees.
D) approval that the Senate must give to all presidential appointments to the federal judiciary.

On Jun 17, 2024



Conference committees are

A) permanent and involve members from both the House and the Senate.
B) temporary and are created to take up an issue that falls between the jurisdiction of existing committees,to highlight an issue,or to investigate a particular problem.
C) permanent and have the power to write and propose legislation.
D) temporary,involve members from both houses of Congress,and are charged with reaching a compromise on legislation once it has been passed by both the House and the Senate.

On Jun 16, 2024