


Fisher's least significant difference method (LSD)substitutes the pooled variance estimator from the equal variances t-test with the MSE from ANOVA.

On Jun 12, 2024



Two independent samples of sizes 25 and 35 are randomly selected from two normal populations with equal variances. In order to test the difference between the population means, the test statistic is:

A) a standard normal random variable
B) approximately standard normal random variable
C) Student t-distributed with 58 degrees of freedom
D) Student t-distributed with 33 degrees of freedom
E) Student t-distributed with 18 degrees of freedom

On Jun 10, 2024



Solve the equation. Do not use a calculator. log⁡6(2x+9) =log⁡6(4x+5) \log _ { 6 } ( 2 x + 9 ) = \log _ { 6 } ( 4 x + 5 ) log6(2x+9) =log6(4x+5)

A) x=2x = 2x=2
B) x=−7x = - 7x=7
C) x=7x = 7x=7
D) x=−2x = - 2x=2
E) no solution

On May 12, 2024



Here is a histogram of leverages for this regression: Here is a histogram of leverages for this regression:   Without doing any calculating,how would you expect the coefficient and t-statistic of English to change if we were to omit the 6 highest leverage points? Without doing any calculating,how would you expect the coefficient and t-statistic of English to change if we were to omit the 6 highest leverage points?

On May 11, 2024

The points currently keep the slope value down.Omitting them should increase the value of the coefficient of English.The t-statistic should be greater than the current value.


Plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system. (2,4) ,(−2,−4) ( 2,4 ) , ( - 2 , - 4 ) (2,4) ,(2,4)

A)  Plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system.  ( 2,4 )  , ( - 2 , - 4 )   A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
B)  Plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system.  ( 2,4 )  , ( - 2 , - 4 )   A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
C)  Plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system.  ( 2,4 )  , ( - 2 , - 4 )   A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
D)  Plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system.  ( 2,4 )  , ( - 2 , - 4 )   A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
E)  Plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system.  ( 2,4 )  , ( - 2 , - 4 )   A)    B)    C)    D)    E)

On May 10, 2024