


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) was originally administered without regard to race or ethnicity, but was first questioned because

A) it was normed to White subjects exclusively.
B) it was not offered in other languages.
C) scores were significantly different between men and women.
D) it did not have a Black-White scale that adjusted African American score to be compared to White scores.

On Jul 23, 2024



An annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca is called the __________.​

On Jul 15, 2024



What was the purpose of wampum belts?​

A) ​to designate who would be the next chief
B) ​to hold up symbolic clothing
C) ​to give the speaker magic powers
D) ​to represent important messages

On Jun 23, 2024



Which of the following federal acts provides for the protection and return of Native American cultural items or human remains?​

A) ​Native American Preservation of Historic and Prehistoric Places Act of 1984
B) ​Native American Environmental Policy Act of 1969
C) ​Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990
D) ​Archaeological and Historical Preservation Act of 1974

On Jun 14, 2024



A small group of people with several color-blind individuals moves from the mainland to a previously uninhabited, secluded island. Two hundred years later, 5 percent of the people of the island have color-blindness. This is an example of:​

A) ​founder effects
B) ​population bottleneck
C) ​mutation
D) ​gene flow

On Jun 12, 2024



Based on the Arab/Muslim holistic approach to life

A) Arabs and Muslims typically do not seek mental health services.
B) most Arab/Muslim patients will demonstrate some somatic complaints along with psychological distress.
C) Arabs and Muslims adopt the dualism of the mind and the body.
D) Arab/Muslim patients are attuned to the internal forces associated with psychological distress.

On May 15, 2024



What are the most acute challenges that current pastoral nomads face south of the Sahara Desert?​

On May 13, 2024

​Their migration across international boundaries during times of drought is seen as a challenge to the authority of the nation-states they cross.


Religion and spirituality are best examined as part of a society's worldview.​

On May 11, 2024



Individuals who earn their living in one country while maintaining citizenship in another country are referred to as:​

A) ​internal migrants
B) ​external migrants
C) ​transnationals
D) ​economic refugees

On May 10, 2024



Aside from being the father of American anthropology, Franz Boas worked tirelessly against notions of racial superiority. What were some of his ideas of race in the United States and his impact on the American tradition of anthropology?​

On May 09, 2024

Franz Boas was a pioneering figure in the field of anthropology and his work had a significant impact on the American tradition of anthropology. He rejected the idea of racial superiority and worked tirelessly to challenge notions of race in the United States. Boas believed that race was a social and cultural construct rather than a biological reality, and he argued that differences in culture and behavior were not determined by race.

Boas conducted extensive research on the concept of race and published numerous influential works on the subject. He emphasized the importance of studying individual cultures in their own context and rejected the idea of using race as a basis for categorizing and judging people. His ideas and research laid the foundation for the concept of cultural relativism, which became a central tenet of American anthropology.

Boas' impact on the American tradition of anthropology was profound. He trained a generation of anthropologists who went on to challenge prevailing ideas about race and culture. His work paved the way for a more nuanced and respectful approach to studying and understanding human diversity. Boas' legacy continues to shape the field of anthropology and his ideas have had a lasting impact on how we think about race and culture in the United States and beyond.