


Karen has a new job and she never stops complaining about the demanding workload and how stressed she feels about it.What kind of personality does Taren have?

A) Low self-esteem
B) Internal locus of control
C) External locus of control
D) High negative affectivity
E) Type A behaviour pattern

On Jul 31, 2024



Fixed exchange rates are often maintained by using all of the following tools except

A) open speculation by individual traders in foreign currency markets.
B) international monetary reserves held by central banks.
C) controls on imports and exports, such as tariffs and quotas.
D) domestic macroeconomic adjustments using monetary and fiscal policies.

On Jul 31, 2024



Carten Printing receives an unexpectedly large order for shipping envelopes from one of its regular clients, a major Canadian CD-ROM retailer. In order to meet the order delivery date, Carten farms out part of the printing to another firm, Serger Printing. Serger, in an attempt to raise its own profit margin on the deal, uses lower grade adhesive and cuts corners on printing quality. The faulty shipping envelopes show up as returns made to the retailer from dissatisfied customers. The retailer takes action against Carten for damages. What is the most likely outcome?

A) The retailer will not succeed against Carten but will have a right of recovery against Serger.
B) The retailer will succeed against Carten, and Carten will have no right of recovery against Serger.
C) a novation.
D) The retailer will succeed against Carten, and Carten will have a similar right of recovery against Serger.
E) The retailer will have a right of recovery against both Carten and Serger.

On Jul 02, 2024



Which of the following scenarios illustrates a moment that exceeds the customer's expectations?

A) an express mail service that guarantees overnight delivery
B) a flight attendant that responds shortly after being called
C) a hairdresser that cuts your hair at the right length
D) a professor that contacts people in several companies to find you a job
E) a bank that sends you monthly account statements

On Jul 01, 2024