


An effective politic tends to be impulsive and rash in his or her decision making.

On Jul 29, 2024



Bennies' Model Jet Company encourages creative thinking.The company has also implemented a few,small changes in its day-to-day activities after analyzing the ideas put forth by employees.Bennies' is using suggestion involvement in its approach to incorporating empowerment.

On Jul 26, 2024



Self-disclosure is a sign of weakness and vulnerability.

On Jun 29, 2024



Briefly describe the differences between communication,human communication,and interpersonal communication.

On Jun 25, 2024

-Communication is a process of acting on information
-Human communication is a process of making sense out of the world and sharing it with others by creating meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal messages.
-Interpersonal communication,distinct from the others,is a transactional form of human communication that incorporates mutual influence primarily for the purpose of influencing relationships.


After attending the political rally,Belinda could not understand how her friends failed to see that the candidate was lying to the audience.This differing view of reality is a result of differences in ____.

A) disclosure
B) attribution
C) perception
D) pride

On Jun 23, 2024



Many organizations have _____ to assist with personal and health problems ranging from mental illness,substance abuse,day care,and family issues to physical health issues and financial planning.

A) employee recreation associations
B) employee assistance and wellness programs
C) employee incentive programs
D) employee assessment centers

On May 29, 2024



Briefly describe three strategies to minimize misunderstandings and avoid pseudoconflict.

On May 26, 2024

-Check your perceptions by asking for clarification of what you don't understand.
-Listen between the lines by looking for puzzled or quizzical facial expressions in your partner.
-Establish a supportive rather than defensive climate for conversation by avoiding calculating,controlling,using manipulative strategies,being aloof,acting superior,or rigidly asserting that you're always right.


The process of redefining events and experiences from a different point of view is known as __________.

A) self-reflexivity
B) reframing
C) social learning
D) social support

On May 22, 2024



Breaking rules can actually enhance creativity.

On May 20, 2024



You have been best friends with Taban since you were children,so when you hear the news that his mom passed away last week,you are heartbroken for him.You know that you need to be there for Taban during the grieving process,so you start thinking about how to best comfort him.Explain your thoughts and expected behaviors.

On May 19, 2024

-Students' answers will vary,simply because there are a number of skills and strategies that one can employ when helping someone deal with a recent death.A strong answer will address the fact that there are several approaches,and no single approach will be beneficial to everyone.Following is a sample response:
-Helping someone to cope with a loss is a challenging task,simply because grieving is such a personal process.There are many strategies that I can use to help my friend Taban.
-I need to socially decenter and think about how I would want to be approached if I were to lose a family member.
-It will also help for me to be other-oriented and think about what would help Taban the most.
-Through experience,I know that he likes to talk about his problems and just have someone listen to him.
-Often,simply listening to someone is a great way to help them grieve,so since that is what usually helps Taban the most,I'll start by expressing my willingness to listen.
-After listening,I need to reaffirm how much I care about him and give him a hug.
-Then,I need to tell him that I am here to support him and will help him with whatever he needs.
-Sometimes the use of humor is an ok tactic to use.
-Since Taban is generally a funny guy,if the opportunity arises,maybe I can make him laugh or smile.I should only use humor after gauging how Taban is feeling,though.
-Above all,I need to keep in mind that the best thing I can do is to simply be physically present for Taban.
-If my plan doesn't seem to be working,just being there for Tabin,using confirming listening skills,and giving him a hug is what is best to do.