


If the government stops enforcing its collusion laws and oligopolies are now able to collude, they will ________ the price charged and ________ the total output produced.

A) increase; increase
B) increase; decrease
C) decrease; increase
D) decrease; decrease

On Jul 19, 2024



What is the glass ceiling? List the practices shared by corporations that shatter the glass ceiling.

On Jul 18, 2024

Answers will vary. The glass ceiling is a transparent barrier that keeps women from rising above a certain level in organizations. In the United States, it has been rare to find women in positions above middle management. Although growth in opportunities for women to attain executive positions has recently stagnated, the situation is improving for women in the boardroom.
Corporations that shatter the glass ceiling share several practices:
i. Upper managers demonstrate support for the advancement of women.
ii. Leaders incorporate practices into their diversity management programs to ensure that women perceive the organization as attractive.
iii. Women are represented on standing committees addressing key strategic business issues and are targeted for participation in executive education programs.
iv. Systems are put in place to identify women with high potential for advancement. Please see the section "The Diverse Workforce" for more information.


Grass Farm LLC offers to sell fifty bales of hay at a certain price to Horse Stable Inc. The owner of the stable responds, "We agree if you agree to make it sixty bales for the price." Their contract is formed according to

A) the new terms of the acceptance.
B) whatever is reasonable.
C) the terms of the original offer.
D) none of the terms.

On Jun 19, 2024



The fee-for-service arrangement for paying doctors is one way to reduce health care costs.

On Jun 18, 2024



When the text used the example of Fuze setting up a mock store aisle full of beverages and watching how participants react to various types of packaging or where beverages are positioned in the aisle, it was describing marketing research that involves __________.

On May 20, 2024



Which of the following is not a use of the cost of production report?

A) to help managers control operations
B) to help managers isolate problems
C) to project production
D) to help managers improve operations

On May 19, 2024