


Each question below is an entry for a Works Cited page. Select "Correct" if the entry is correctly formatted according to MLA guidelines or "Incorrect" if the entry is not correctly formatted. McCallum, Jack. Dream Team Ballentine Books, 2012.

A) Correct
B) Incorrect

On Sep 26, 2024



Each group of sentences below could be unscrambled and written as a paragraph. Read each group, and select the letter of the topic sentence for each. Choose the topic sentence.

A) Most important, office e-mail is not private, so never disclose information that you wouldn't want your boss or co-workers to see.
B) To avoid information overload, send e-mails only to those who must see them.
C) All employees who use e-mail at work should follow certain professional guidelines.
D) The subject line should be business-like, not casual: "PowerPoint Training," not "Yo, Boris!"

On Sep 22, 2024