


As researchers have conducted cross-cultural investigation in recent years,the most elaborate search for traits has focused on the dichotomy between individualism and collectivism.Explain this dichotomy and how it impacts the cultures within the United States.

On Jul 15, 2024

In cross-cultural research,the search for basic traits has focused on the dichotomy between individualism and collectivism.Individualism involves giving priority to personal goals rather than to group goals.It emphasizes values that serve the self,such as feeling good,personal distinction,and achievement.Collectivism emphasizes values that serve the group by subordinating personal goals to preserve group integrity.


A rationalist believes that all knowledge comes from reason alone.

On Jul 11, 2024



What is the 360-degree feedback appraisal and what is it used for?

On Jun 15, 2024

In this system, the employee's appraisal derives from a combination of ratings from supervisors, peers, supervisees, and from the employee herself. Occasionally, outside observers may be used as well, such as customers. The purpose of 360-degree feedback appraisal is to give the employee (who may be a manager) and supervisor different perspectives of the employee's job performance. This system should help the employee make improvements through her own efforts or through training. This system is also used in a traditional performance-appraisal context, providing the supervisor with more information to help make decisions about the employee's position and compensation.


The tendency for shared or jointly owned resources to be squandered and not used in an optimal or advantageous fashion is known as the ____________________.

On Jun 11, 2024

commons dilemma


Rapid fear reactions to sensory input in the absence of conscious thought are possible because certain neural pathways bypass the

A) hypothalamus.
B) amygdala.
C) thalamus.
D) prefrontal cortex.

On May 15, 2024



Which of the following is true about gender and achievement?

A) Men and women act similarly in achievement settings.
B) Men are more interested in external standards of success, while women tend to be more interested in internal standards of success.
C) Women in our society are more likely to see success in terms of external standards.
D) Men and women assign similar values to achievement tasks.

On May 12, 2024