


If many people in a community get flu shots, the whole community benefits, including those who did not get flu shots. Therefore, not enough people may decide to get the shots. This is one illustration of

A) the market allocating resources efficiently.
B) monopoly power due to lack of competition.
C) supply-side market failure.
D) demand-side market failure.

On Jul 07, 2024



To minimize common measures bias when developing divisional balanced scorecards for unique divisions within a corporation,

A) one division may focus more heavily on a subset of the four perspectives, for example on learning and growth and internal processes, while other divisions focus on different perspectives, such as customer and financial
B) each division must focus equally on all four perspectives of the balanced scorecard
C) the performance metrics should be treated as strategic objectives in and of themselves within each division
D) it is important to stop gathering information when the results for the division look good

On Jul 06, 2024



You are the leader of a group project for a class in which you previously have successfully used coaching style.Now the group members seem very insecure about whether they can complete the project,but it is apparent that they have learned a lot about how to do the project and are now quite competent to do a good job.You decide to switch to a supporting style.Why did you make this switch?

A) the followers moved up in competence
B) supportive behaviors always help followers
C) the followers' competence and commitment are about equal
D) the followers have moderate level of commitment

On Jun 07, 2024



Zachary was recently made the manager of his department at Cyscon Co. He has to evaluate his subordinates' behavior in the next two weeks and is unsure if he should use the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) or the behavioral observation scale (BOS) to assess their behavior. Which characteristic of the two would help Zachary decide the scale that would be most appropriate for him to use?

A) A BARS asks the manager to rate the frequency with which the employee has exhibited the behavior during the rating period.
B) A BOS discards many items in creating the rating scale.
C) A BOS uses many instances to define the behaviors necessary for effective performance.
D) A BARS is represented by ease of use and maintains objectivity efficiently.
E) A BARS requires a large amount of information as compared to BOS.

On Jun 06, 2024



Departmental information is usually distributed to the public as part of the company's annual report and footnotes.

On May 08, 2024



Rossiter Company failed to record a credit sale at the end of the year, although the reduction in finished goods inventories was correctly recorded when the goods were shipped to the customer. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A) Accounts receivable was not affected, inventory was understated, sales were understated, and cost of goods sold was understated.
B) Accounts receivable was not affected, inventory was not affected, sales were understated, and cost of goods sold was understated.
C) Accounts receivable was understated, inventory was overstated, sales were understated, and cost of goods sold was overstated.
D) Accounts receivable was understated, inventory was not affected, sales were understated, and cost of goods sold was not affected.

On May 07, 2024



An important reason that incivility leads to conflict is that ________.

A) it is fun to watch rude people
B) the uncivil person is likely to be fired
C) incivility is now classified as an illegal work behavior
D) uncivil behavior often leads to a dispute between two people.

On May 05, 2024