


Identify and describe three strengths and three weaknesses of your counseling session with your volunteer. When discussing three of your weaknesses, describe what you learned from this experience and how you would counsel differently in the future.

On May 07, 2024

Answers will vary by students. This question requires students to reflect, analyze, and critique the nutrition counseling session with their volunteer. When referencing the counseling session, students should explicitly refer to the different phases (i.e., involving, exploration-education, resolving, and closing) and the specific tasks (e.g., setting the agenda, goal setting, etc.) or skills (e.g., using silence, noting a discrepancy, etc.) they employed.


Which of the following is the first step in developing mass media messages?

A) Validate messages
B) Develop initial message concepts
C) Define issues
D) Assess message concepts
E) Fine tune messages

On May 06, 2024



When developing PowerPoint Presentations, nutrition counselors should follow the KISS principle. Define the anonym KISS and describe what each component entails.

On May 03, 2024

KISS stands for "keep it simple and straightforward." KISS entails incorporating key phrases or words on slides instead of long sentences; using no more than six words per line and no more than six bullet points per slide; using simple fonts; and limiting animations, colors, and sounds.


Which of the following education approaches aim to increase knowledge on topics such as food preparation, label reading, and identification of food groups and sources of nutrients?

A) Dissemination of information
B) Behavior change
C) Changes in public policy
D) Changes in the environment
E) Goal setting

On May 02, 2024



A nutrition counselor could use the "typical day strategy" during which of the following phases?

A) Involving
B) Exploration-Education
C) Resolving
D) Closing
E) Evaluation

On Apr 30, 2024



How could a nutrition counselor begin to explore the perceived pros and cons of a client in regard to changing dietary behaviors?

A) So let's move on. First I'd like to address last week's goal.
B) So you feel good about your diet, but you are not sure if you can keep it going?
C) Would you be willing to discuss the possibility of a change in your eating patterns?
D) What concerns do you have about changing your eating pattern?
E) Do you have an idea of how you will change your eating pattern?

On Apr 29, 2024