


Which of the following emerged as one of the greatest urban crises at the turn of the century?

A) public transportation
B) housing shortage
C) police brutality
D) traffic congestion

On Jul 31, 2024



What aspect of the support for the White armies in the Russian Civil War helped rally public opinion against them and in favor of the Red armies?

A) Nicholas II's decision to borrow money abroad
B) anti-Semitism among Red leaders such as Leon Trotsky
C) widespread support for the continuation of the monarchy
D) financial and military support from Allied nations
E) the White armies' promise to turn over control of regions to other nationalities

On Jul 27, 2024



Which of these is one of the reasons both Spain and France were interested in Florida>

A) It provided colonization opportunities for religious dissidents who could live there peacefully.
B) The Indians were friendly and would provide a willing workforce.
C) They believed stories promoting the availability of precious metals along the eastern coast.
D) It was a safe haven for ships due to the relative calmness of the coastline.

On Jun 29, 2024



In the 1880s and 1890s, the Civil War came to be recalled as a "tragic family quarrel among whites in which blacks had played no significant part." Who created this imagery of the Civil War and with what purpose?

On Jun 27, 2024

This imagery of the Civil War as a "tragic family quarrel among whites in which blacks had played no significant part" was created by white Southern historians and writers, often referred to as the "Lost Cause" movement. Their purpose was to downplay the role of slavery in causing the Civil War and to portray the Confederacy as a noble and just cause. By minimizing the significance of African Americans in the conflict, they sought to maintain white supremacy and justify the continued disenfranchisement and segregation of black Americans in the post-war South. This narrative also aimed to reconcile the North and South by emphasizing a shared white heritage and minimizing the deep-rooted racial divisions that had fueled the war.


How did Stalin remake Soviet agriculture with the first Five-Year Plan?

A) He expanded the reforms of the New Economic Policy,introducing elements of the free market into agriculture.
B) He collectivized farms in the Soviet Union,which eliminated private ownership of land and animals.
C) He moved workers from Russia's cities to the Ukrainian countryside to help with agricultural production.
D) He highlighted the important role of peasants as class revolutionaries.
E) He introduced local markets in the countryside to improve nutrition for Soviet citizens.

On Jun 25, 2024



Which of the following is considered to have launched the women's rights movement?

A) The Seneca Falls' Declaration of Sentiments
B) The publication of the Grimké sisters' books in 1838
C) The merger of the abolitionist and feminist movements in 1839
D) The emergence of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton as national figures in the 1840s

On May 28, 2024



The Pilgrims intended to set sail for Cape Cod in 1620.

On May 26, 2024



What eighteenth-century Indian group united dozens of Indian towns in South Carolina and Georgia?

A) the Cherokee Nation
B) the Lenni-Lenape Union
C) the Susquehanna Tribe
D) the Sioux People
E) the Creek Confederacy

On May 24, 2024



In 1971, for the first time in the twentieth century, the United States experienced a merchandise trade deficit.

On May 23, 2024



What role did the Justice Department play in the Freedom Rides of 1961?

A) From the beginning,it reluctantly guaranteed to protect the riders in the exercise of their constitutional rights.
B) It ignored the riders' plight and left them prey to mob violence.
C) It regarded the riders as radical agitations and sent federal agents to block their progress.
D) It stepped in to protect the riders and guarantee their rights only after they had been viciously attacked by mobs.

On May 22, 2024