


The majority of political action committees (PACs) represent

A) the working class and poor people.
B) business and professional groups.
C) Republicans and Democrats.
D) environmental groups and religious organizations.

On Jun 23, 2024



The United States' first written constitution was called the

A) Magna Carta.
B) Bill of Rights.
C) Articles of Confederation.
D) Declaration of Independence.

On Jun 20, 2024



The constitutional basis for the nationalization of the Bill of Rights is the ________ Amendment.

A) First
B) Fourth
C) Tenth
D) Fourteenth

On Jun 19, 2024



In what ways do liberals and conservatives tend to react differently to poverty and social policies? What does it mean to say that Americans are "philosophical conservatives and operational liberals"? Which kinds of programs do Americans typically prefer?

On Jun 17, 2024

There are three components to this question.
a.Liberal and conservative reactions to poverty and social policies: Liberals often argue that more generous social policies are needed if America is truly to ensure equality of opportunity.Some liberals argue that the government needs to go beyond simply providing opportunity and should ensure more equal conditions,especially where children are concerned.Conservative critics,on the other hand,argue that social policies that offer income support take the ideal of equality too far and,in the process,do for individuals what those individuals should be doing for themselves.From this perspective,social policies make the government too big,and big government is seen as a fundamental threat to Americans' liberties.
b.Philosophical conservatives and operational liberals: When asked about government social policy in the abstract,they say they disapprove of activist government,which is a decidedly conservative view.But when they must evaluate particular programs,Americans generally express support,which is a more liberal perspective.
c.The kinds of programs Americans prefer: Policies in which the recipients are regarded as deserving,such as programs for the elderly,receive more support than those that assist working-age people.Programs that have a reputation for effectiveness and those that require people to help themselves through work are also viewed favorably.In sum,most Americans take a pragmatic approach to social welfare policies: they favor programs that work and they want to reform those that seem not to work.


One of the earliest activities party workers engage in once the general election campaign begins is

A) re-drawing each congressional district's lines.
B) forming a committee within Congress to determine campaign strategy.
C) recruiting additional candidates to run for office.
D) ensuring that citizens are registered to vote.

On Jun 16, 2024



There are approximately ________ military personnel currently in the United States.

A) 100,000
B) 600,000
C) 900,000
D) 1.3 million

On Jun 14, 2024