


Triggers for an asthmatic attack are LEAST likely to include​

A) ​newspaper ink.
B) ​cigarette smoke.
C) ​dust mites.
D) ​chemical sprays.

On Jul 30, 2024



Identify and discuss some things that cause barriers for patients to adhere to health care.

On Jul 03, 2024

A. Patients may have financial difficulties in keeping doctor appointments, filling
prescriptions, etc.
B. Patients may encounter practical obstacles in fulfilling these tasks as well.
C. Patients may find prescribed regimens not effective enough, too costly, too time-consuming, too hard to follow, too inconvenient; or they may simply forget to comply.
D. Patients may treat physician instructions as advice rather than orders and follow these only selectively.
E. Patients may stop taking medications or following other directions when their symptoms go away.
F. Other patients stop taking medication because they feel worse, or do not feel better.
G. Some patients "squirrel away" some of their pills to save for the next illness.
H. Some patients have an optimistic bias, believing they will not suffer the usual consequences of not adhering to medical treatment.
I. Older and visually impaired patients can have difficulty reading prescription labels, and even more than half of college students cannot understand them.
J. Adherence today requires difficult lifestyle choices.
1. Adherence was simpler when infectious diseases caused the most deaths and were treated by short-term medication, rest, etc.
2. Today, chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and are affected by diet, physical activity, and substance use.
3. Instead of just taking prescribed medications and following short-term advice, patients today must often make major changes like quitting smoking, eating differently, starting to exercise, etc., and maintaining these behaviors long-term


​How do income and education relate to health and life expectancy in America today?

A) ​Income affects health problems; education affects life expectancy.
B) ​Income affects life expectancy; education affects health problems.
C) ​Income and education both affect both health and life expectancy.
D) ​Income and education influence neither health nor life expectancy.

On Jun 30, 2024



​A research team conducts a study, and their statistical analysis yields a correlation coefficient of 0.07 between two variables. What is true about this?

A) ​This number is so small that it is not statistically significant.
B) ​This number is so small that the correlation must be random.
C) ​This number can predict one variable's score from the other's.
D) ​This number can be statistically significant in large populations.

On Jun 29, 2024



Which chemical substances of the endocrine system serve functions similar to the neurotransmitters of the nervous system?

A) Lymph nodes
B) Hormones
C) Arterioles
D) Efferents

On Jun 02, 2024



Your friend has heard that maintaining good posture and body mechanics are related in walking,sitting,standing,lifting objects,and even sleeping.With this in mind,provide your friend with several suggestions that might aide his posture through improvements of body mechanics in these areas.

On May 31, 2024

Provide a variety of suggestions representative of information provided in the Wellness Strategies box on pages 209-210.


A serious degree of overweight characterized by an excessive amount of body fat is called ________.

On May 30, 2024



Which characteristic of SMART goals involves setting a start date and a completion date?

A) realistic
B) time-bound
C) measurable
D) achievable

On May 29, 2024



​What is/are the important features of aerobic exercise?

A) ​Intensity
B) ​Duration
C) ​Frequency
D) (a) and (b)

On May 28, 2024