


Which research project would be most likely to be conducted by someone in the field of behavioural economics

A)  a study of emotional influences on investment in the stock market 
B)  a comparison of the personalities of people in different socio-economic groups 
C)  a comprehensive list of the cost of education in 40 different countries 
D)  an efficiency study of a corporation

On Jul 15, 2024



How has research with the California Q-Set helped to identify personality correlates of verbal fluency, political orientation, and depression? Briefly describe the Q-sort procedure and explain how such studies have been conducted. What gender differences have been found, and how are these usually interpreted?

On Jul 12, 2024

Research with the California Q-Set has helped to identify personality correlates of verbal fluency, political orientation, and depression by using a systematic method of assessing personality traits. The Q-sort procedure involves having participants sort a set of statements or descriptors into a predetermined number of categories, typically ranging from "most like me" to "least like me." This allows researchers to capture the individual's subjective perspective on their own personality.

Studies using the Q-sort procedure have been conducted by having participants sort descriptors related to verbal fluency, political orientation, and depression. By analyzing the patterns of sorting, researchers can identify personality traits that are associated with these constructs.

Gender differences have been found in these studies, with women generally scoring higher on measures of verbal fluency and being more likely to endorse liberal political views, while men tend to score higher on measures of depression. These differences are usually interpreted in the context of societal and cultural influences on gender roles and expectations. For example, women may be socialized to be more verbally expressive, while men may be socialized to suppress emotions, leading to differences in verbal fluency and depression scores. Additionally, societal norms and expectations may influence political orientation, leading to gender differences in this area as well. Overall, the Q-sort procedure has been instrumental in identifying personality correlates of these constructs and understanding how they may differ across gender.


Which factor can serve a protective role for the spousal relationship after the birth of a baby?

A) planning ahead for changes that accompany having a newborn
B) making sure the mother understands how much extra work she will have
C) ensuring that fathers have plenty of free time to relieve stress
D) waiting to see what temperament the newborn has

On Jun 15, 2024



Effective sexual assault prevention involves ______.

A) educating women on how to dress in a nonsexual manner
B) debunking rape myths such as sexuality provoking an attack
C) telling women they need to report a sexual attack to the police
D) educating men on being clear about their sexual intentions

On Jun 12, 2024



The traits that seem to provide the most useful information are often referred to as the

A) Big Five.
D) self-concept.

On May 15, 2024



The sense of hearing is ________.

A) bilateral
B) dichromatic
C) trichromatic
D) unilateral

On May 13, 2024



Concerning resistance to temptation,what is the relationship between punishment and cognitive rationales?

A) Punishment is effective and cognitive rationales are not.
B) Cognitive rationales are effective and punishment is not.
C) Punishment is most effective if cognitive rationales are also used.
D) Although both punishment and cognitive rationales are effective,they should not be combined.

On May 12, 2024