


Suppose that a manager responds to a disagreement between subordinates by saying: "I don't want to get in the middle of your personal disputes." This manager is using which conflict management style?

A) Avoidance
B) Authoritative command
C) Accommodation
D) Collaboration
E) Unassertiveness

On Jul 11, 2024



Research shows that stock returns correlate better with accrual earnings than with realized operating cash flows.

On Jul 08, 2024



The principles of justice convey that the organization must prepare for problems by establishing a formal discipline process in which the consequences become severe if the employee repeats the offense.

On Jun 11, 2024



Differentiate between radical organizational change and incremental organizational change.

On Jun 08, 2024

Radical change occurs when organizations make major adjustments in the ways they do business. Radical change is relatively infrequent and takes a long time to complete. Radical change is undertaken intentionally, often requiring huge investments in planning and implementation. Radical change is an organizational "big bang" affecting all key stakeholders. Incremental change is an ongoing process of evolution in which many small changes occur routinely. The cumulative effect of these changes may transform the organization. Incremental change is important in TQM and in the learning organization, being an aspect of continuous improvement.


In 2012,the PRSA published the following definition of public relations: "Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics." In a brief essay,discuss the different elements of this definition and explain the meaning or significance of each.

On May 12, 2024

At its heart,public relations is,in fact,a business process that keeps the interests of all parties in mind.It is "strategic",not tactical.It is a "relationship"-not a one-way street where pronouncements of policies are taken verbatim.And,it is a "process" that occurs over time,not a transaction or isolated event or activity.These distinctions convey a "give and take" relationship where the interests of all parties are addressed and communications goals are achieved within the context of that relationship.


Customer Rick places orders with retailer Negan,who orders from Dwight,who orders from Simon,who orders from Regina.Simon is a whiz at statistics and makes his forecast for the coming year based on the orders he receives from Dwight.Simon's process is creating a(n)

A) incentive obstacle.
B) operational obstacle.
C) information processing obstacle.
D) behavioral obstacle.

On May 09, 2024