


You perceive that you are being treated unfairly in the workplace. Which of the following actions will help you to resolve the issue in a manner best for you and your organization?

A) Ignore it and hope it corrects itself.
B) Have patience. The government will pass legislation soon to help you.
C) Call a lawyer and find grounds for a lawsuit.
D) Talk to your supervisor or other appropriate person in the firm about the issue first
E) Quit and look for a job more to your liking

On Sep 27, 2024



Which of the following statements concerning the relationships between total product (TP) , average product (AP) , and marginal product (MP) is not correct?

A) AP continues to rise so long as TP is rising.
B) AP reaches a maximum before TP reaches a maximum.
C) TP reaches a maximum when the MP of the variable input becomes zero.
D) MP cuts AP at the maximum AP.

On Sep 23, 2024