


A health care provider writes these new prescriptions for a resident in a skilled care facility: "2 g sodium diet; restraint as needed; limit fluids to 2000 ml daily; 1 dose milk of magnesia 30 ml orally if no bowel movement occurs for 3 days." Which prescription should the nurse question?

A) Restraint
B) Fluid restriction
C) Milk of magnesia
D) Sodium restriction

On Sep 28, 2024



The nurse is caring for a 44-year-old married woman who is complaining of painful intercourse and incontinence due to prolapse of reproductive organs. Clinical evaluation reveals that the patient has a cystocele. Which treatment option is most appropriate for this patient?

A) Pelvic floor training
B) Vaginal pessaries
C) Surgical correction
D) Lifestyle changes

On Sep 26, 2024



Eighty year-old Mr.Janisse has arrived on the surgical unit following a right femoral bypass.He has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ,as a result of many years of smoking.Which of the following nursing interventions is of most importance to Mr.Janisse's general recovery?

A) Explaining how to perform leg exercises
B) Restricting fluid intake to less than 1000 mL
C) Ambulating Mr.Janisse to the end of the hall and back every 2 hours
D) Having Mr.Janisse demonstrate coughing and deep breathing

On Sep 22, 2024