


Describe why nutrition counselors should document the counseling session and the ADIME format of charting and documentation.

On May 08, 2024

Nutrition counselors should document the counseling session to track, monitor, and evaluate client progress. Documentation can also serve as a reminder of what the nutrition counselor and client discussed during the session. ADIME stands for assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring and evaluation. A nutrition counselor should document anthropometric, biochemical, client history, and dietary data under the assessment section. The nutrition problem, etiology, and signs and symptoms should be documented under the diagnosis section. The stage-tailored education (intervention) and nutrition prescription are documented under the intervention section. Finally, the signs, symptoms, and additional outcome measures are documented under the monitoring and evaluation section; in addition, the standard for the outcomes to be measured against should be transparent in this section.


After a forty-hour work week, Maggie comes home and is emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. Maggie is likely suffering from

A) type 2 diabetes.
B) metabolic syndrome.
C) anxiety.
D) occupational burnout.
E) insomnia.

On May 07, 2024



Which of the following individuals would benefit most from group counseling versus individual counseling?

A) A man with type 2 diabetes who has specific questions about his blood sugar
B) A woman who wants to eat healthier, but previously was diagnosed with an eating disorder
C) A man who is easily swayed by poor role models
D) A woman who is uncomfortable speaking in group settings
E) A man who lacks social support

On May 04, 2024



Marketing is essential when starting a private practice. How can nutrition counselors use social media in their marketing plan to attract clients?

On May 02, 2024

Nutrition counselors can use social media to engage with consumers and potentially attract new clients. Social media platforms include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and blog posts.


Sandra is 65 years old and expressed that she wants to incorporate more bone strengthening activities. What would you recommend?

A) Walking 5 - 10 minutes 3 days per week
B) Riding a stationary bike 30 minutes 5 days per week
C) Riding a bike outside 30 minutes 2 - 3 days per week
D) Weight lifting exercises 2 - 3 days per week
E) Swimming 60 minutes 3 days per week

On May 01, 2024



Overall, the nutrition counselor's work is based on

A) wellness.
B) food.
C) feelings.
D) mood.
E) sleep hygiene.

On Apr 29, 2024