


Monopolists are price takers.

On Jul 27, 2024



All else constant, the cash flow to stockholders:

A) Decreases when the dividends per share are decreased.
B) Remains unchanged when the firm repurchases shares of outstanding stock.
C) Decreases when a firm decreases its degree of financial leverage.
D) Decreases when the cash flow from assets increases.
E) Decreases as the common stock account balance decreases.

On Jul 24, 2024



Allowing too much room for compromise often leads to the error of making an implausible demand or offer.

On Jun 27, 2024



Which one of the following is true concerning amortized loans?

A) A loan where annual payments include the interest due plus some set amount of principal is an amortized loan.
B) Amortized loans all have a balloon payment at the end of the loan term.
C) Amortized loan payments consist of interest only.
D) An amortized loan requires only one lump sum payment at the end of the loan term.
E) An amortized loan is a type of a pure discount loan.

On Jun 24, 2024



Briefly compare and contrast technology-based training and traditional training methods.

On May 28, 2024

Technology-based training can be defined as "anything that uses technology to deliver lessons." Traditional training by contrast is "anything that does not involve the use of technology in delivering lessons." The focus of the chapter is on those technologies that are key to delivery, such as Internet, Intranet, electronic performance support systems, and video conferencing, as opposed to technologies that are often employed in the classroom, such as multimedia presentations. The use of technology-based training is steadily increasing in organizations; however, it is not fully replacing more traditional training methods as some had predicted it would.


Renee applied for credit to open her own beauty salon.The bank denies her the credit after learning she was recently divorced and receives public assistance income.Which of the following federal laws did the bank violate?

A) The Fair Debt Collections Act
B) The Equal Credit Opportunity Act
C) The Truth-in-Lending Act
D) The Fair Credit Reporting Act

On May 25, 2024