


Under the _____, CEOs and CFOs may be criminally prosecuted if they knowingly certify misleading financial statements.

A) Sherman Antitrust Act
B) Ethical Compliance Act
C) Robinson-Patman Act
D) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
E) Dodd-Frank Act

On Jul 25, 2024



The Weyburn Farmers' Co-op contracted to sell a carload of grain to Mr. Takemori for $2000. The co-op assigned, in writing, its contractual right to receive the $2000 to the Royal Bank, to which it was indebted. The Royal Bank gave written notice of the assignment to Takemori. Unknown to the buyer and the seller, at the time of the contract the grain had been destroyed because of a train derailment caused by the negligence of the train conductor. On these facts, which of the following is true?

A) The Royal Bank, the assignee, will receive the $2000 because it could prove privity of contract with Takemori.
B) The Royal Bank will receive part payment from Takemori.
C) The Royal Bank will receive nothing from Takemori because Takemori owes nothing to the Co-op.
D) The Royal Bank will receive $2000 from Takemori because there was an assignment in writing and that is the sole test for determining if the assignee will be paid the amount of the assignment.
E) Because of the conductor's negligence, the railroad will have to honour Mr. Takemori's contract with the Royal Bank.

On Jul 21, 2024



Which is the most accurate statement?

A) Unions are much more powerful today than they were 35 years ago.
B) Unions are more powerful in the South than in any other section of the country.
C) Nearly half of all American wage earners are members of unions.
D) Union membership as a percentage of the labor force has been falling since the mid-1950s.

On Jun 25, 2024



Florida-based WeText purchases cell phones manufactured in Taiwan and sells them in the United States.PMI is engaging in the international business activity known as _____.

A) exporting
B) importing
C) countertrade
D) dumping

On Jun 21, 2024



Which of the following actions best illustrates moral hazard?

A) Hannah knows she is a reckless driver and so she applies for automobile insurance.
B) A person is unwilling to buy a stock when she believes its price has an equal change of rising or falling $10.
C) Morgan dislikes losing $400 more than he likes winning $400.
D) When you rent a car, you treat it with less care than you would if it were your own.

On May 25, 2024



What key component for a final written training objective would be related to the statement "Joe will be able write a short two-page story without making grammatical or spelling errors"?

A) criterion
B) performance
C) evaluation
D) condition

On May 22, 2024