


The main goal of the Edmonton Police Service's mental health program was to improve interactions between police officers and mentally ill individuals. This is clearly an example of a training initiative, NOT a development program.

On May 02, 2024



What are linear and nonlinear presentations? How are they organized?

On May 02, 2024

The possibilities for organizing business presentations fall into two basic categories,linear or nonlinear.Linear presentations (via PowerPoint or Keynote)are outlined like conventional messages,and they follow a predefined flow from start to finish.Presenters use the linear model for speeches,technical and financial presentations,and other presentations,in which they want to convey a message point by point or build up to a conclusion following logical steps.In contrast,a nonlinear presentation via Prezi doesn't flow in any particularly direction.Instead,the presenter has the option to move back and forth between topics and/or up and down in terms of level of detail.A presenter can show complicated relationships between multiple ideas or elements,zoom in and out between the "big picture" and specific details,explore complex visuals,or move from topic to topic in any order.


A manager with a high need for personal power

A) will be the most effective manager.
B) will avoid using organizational politics.
C) will avoid using that power to influence others.
D) will use their power for personal gain.
E) will not be concerned with status symbols.

On May 01, 2024