


What was nativism and how did Americans typically practice it?

On Jul 17, 2024

opposition to immigrants and immigration, nativist clubs met and discussed immigration in union halls, colleges, and universities


Who wrote a petition to Congress as the president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, calling for the end of slavery?

A) Mathew Lyon
B) Patrick Henry
C) Sarah Morton
D) Mary Wollstonecraft
E) Benjamin Franklin

On Jul 14, 2024



During the Renaissance,married women were

A) considered to be equal to their husbands in the eyes of the law.
B) regarded as equal only at universities.
C) considered to be inferior to men in all areas.
D) allowed to sell property but not buy goods without their husbands' permission.
E) never taught to read or write.

On Jun 17, 2024



Compared to Spanish and French colonists, how did British colonists tend to view the Indians?

A) as a group with whom to intermarry
B) as the heart of the primarily British fur trade
C) as an integral part of colonial society and culture
D) as outside their collective colonial identity
E) as a source of religious inspiration

On Jun 12, 2024



The New Jersey Plan proposed a single-house legislature in which each state had one vote.

On Jun 05, 2024



The first American victory in the war against Spain took place in

A) Havana harbor.
B) the Philippines.
C) Puerto Rico.
D) Samoa.

On May 18, 2024



What occurred at the 1968 Democratic Party convention?

A) Robert Kennedy was nominated to run for president.
B) Tens of thousands of antiwar activists staged protests.
C) Lyndon Johnson was asked to reconsider running for reelection.
D) Protests occurred over segregated seating at the convention.
E) Hubert Humphrey declined the nomination.

On May 13, 2024



In seventeenth-century England, the main lines of division focused on

A) race.
B) ethnicity.
C) political ideals.
D) religion.
E) literature.

On May 10, 2024



As a result of the Convention of 1800,

A) the United States was freed from its treaty of alliance with France.
B) the Federalist party was united as it prepared for the presidential election of 1800.
C) the United States received compensation from France for ships seized since 1793.
D) the Federalists chose Alexander Hamilton rather than John Adams as their presidential candidate for the 1800 election.

On May 06, 2024



Chronicle the process that developed in the South of chipping away the freedoms granted to blacks during Reconstruction. Consider how the Civil War was remembered by white America. By 1900, what conditions did African-Americans in the South face? How did they respond to these conditions?

On May 03, 2024

The process of chipping away at the freedoms granted to blacks during Reconstruction in the South was a gradual and systematic effort by white supremacists to regain control and maintain their power. This process began with the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups who used violence and intimidation to terrorize black communities and prevent them from exercising their rights. These groups targeted black political leaders, educators, and activists, and used tactics such as lynching, arson, and voter suppression to maintain white supremacy.

Additionally, white America remembered the Civil War as a heroic struggle for states' rights and the preservation of the Southern way of life, rather than as a war fought over slavery and the rights of African-Americans. This narrative of the Civil War allowed white Southerners to justify their actions and maintain their belief in white supremacy.

By 1900, African-Americans in the South faced a multitude of oppressive conditions. They were subjected to segregation and discrimination in all aspects of life, including education, employment, housing, and public accommodations. They were also disenfranchised through the use of poll taxes, literacy tests, and other voter suppression tactics, which effectively prevented them from participating in the political process. Economic opportunities for African-Americans were limited, and they were often forced to work in low-paying and exploitative jobs.

In response to these conditions, African-Americans in the South organized and mobilized to fight for their rights. They formed grassroots organizations, such as the NAACP and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, to advocate for civil rights and social justice. They also engaged in acts of civil disobedience, such as sit-ins, boycotts, and marches, to challenge segregation and discrimination. Additionally, African-Americans in the South sought to build economic and educational opportunities within their communities, despite the obstacles they faced.

Overall, the process of chipping away at the freedoms granted to blacks during Reconstruction in the South was a result of white supremacist efforts to maintain power and control. By 1900, African-Americans in the South faced oppressive conditions, but they responded with resilience and determination, organizing and mobilizing to fight for their rights and improve their communities.